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How do you access your music from the outside?

How are you using your Bubba Two or Excito B3? Got pictures? Share here!
Posts: 1469
Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: How do you access your music from the outside?

Post by Gordon »

Ampache should run fine, as long as you configure it not to try transcoding any media files. LMS runs like that and the only time it stutters is when I'm importing photo's for my webalbum (creating thumbnails using ImageMagick, which takes about a minute to complete per resized image).
Posts: 148
Joined: 02 Oct 2010, 11:08

Re: How do you access your music from the outside?

Post by 86ivar »

I have been using FTP, or SFTP for awhile now playing my music on my ipod for awhile. FTP manager IOS app is able to stream music from ftp insted of downloading the track fully before playing it. It even has its own little media player inbuilt. I havent found any equivalent FTP player for my android phone though...
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