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Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 21:03
by g__
tor wrote:Regarding an official release. This is our ambition for now. Unfortunately this is to early to say that we can make any promises.
Hi tor, I noticed a few months have pasted since you posted this. Is there a projected release date on the horizon?
kind regards,
Ps. What's the easiest way to build packages for the Bubba2? Install a cross-compiler on desktop, or install a compiler on the bubba itself?
/waiting patiently for an updated "cups"
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 10:01
by jonj1
tor wrote:
Other things that could be interesting

is that we have tried to keep an powerpc repo somewhat up to date with the b3 repository. Our goal here is to try unify the code base between B2 and B3 as much as possible.
This means that you should have a good chance to upgrade a B2 system running Lenny against our B3-repositoriy. The repository is located here:
Note however that we at this state makes
no promises on a' B2 Squeeze upgrade. Only that we really want to do this internally.
Hi Tor,
Could you give any more info about the status of the B2 port of your B3 platform? What is the worst that could happen installing these packages on a B2 running Lenny / Squeeze? Could it brick the system, or just be missing some of the functionality?
My b2 is running squeeze and I would try to get the bubba web interface working if there wasn't a risk of breaking something. Currently it's running SSH, file and printer sharing (samba,nfs and cups).
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 12:21
by manib
Hi Tor,
There is another (L)user with similar question.
So - any news or hint about b2 jumping to squeeze (or, arrgh lenny)?
Greetings from Slovenia.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 17:49
by g__
Is there anything we can do to help?
Question for everyone: is anyone interested in creating an unofficial community supported distribution? Maybe this is a reasonable way to help, as the community version could be for early adopters.
Another question for everyone: how do you setup a Qemu to test Bubba2 stuff? Is the default PPC machine enough to run Bubba2's software? As my only Bubba2 is also my router, I'm hesitant to do crazy experiments with it.. especially ones that might require more than 10 minutes to undo.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 02:35
by RandomUsername
Hi Geoff,
I'm not as impatient as some but I would eventually like to see my B2 upgraded. A community supported distro sounds great but before any effort was put into that I'd at least like to get a loose ETA from Excito for an official release (even if the answer's "never") so we don't waste our time. Even narrowing it down to a particular year would be nice
Can't answer the Qemu question though but would be interested in an answer myself.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 15:49
by RandomUsername
Looks like we got a fairly definitive "never" after all - ... 634#p14634
Any other takers?
I wouldn't mind taking the plunge (I'd take a complete image of my server first). Might do that this week. Although I'm running my B2 as a mail server, I can switch my email hosting over to Google Apps very quickly should I lose my server or Internet connection.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 04:43
by johannes
No, it's not a never, sorry for being unclear in my post. Clarified here. ... =15#p14775
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 16:48
by Filius
Ive basically nailed down how to free the B2 from Excitos distro and upgrade it to vanilla Squeeze. The only thing remaining is the u-boot stuff. I still dont know how to boot from a new kernel image, and I wont dare untill I have a way of watching the B2 boot process.
Think I need to solder on an RS-232 if.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 09:48
by paulchany
iansealy wrote:RandomUsername wrote:So have you been able to keep all the custom Excito stuff (sorry if that's answered in your notes, I did skim over them)?
Sorry, I should have said that in the intro. No, my aim was to get as close to a standard (i.e. minimal) Debian install as possible. I've removed all the custom Excito stuff (except for essential packages, like the kernel).
My aim is to run Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze (or the being stable version of) on my Bubba Two.
I realise that that without the Excito kernel this can't be achieved, right?
What would happen if one try to install the Debian GNU/Linux stable kernel on Bubba Two?
What is the difference between Excito kernel and Debian kernel?
Have one the alternative always to install an Excito kernel that is the newest version if one have installed already the Debian GNU/Linux stable operating system on Bubba Two?
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 16:06
by iansealy
paulchany wrote:My aim is to run Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze (or the being stable version of) on my Bubba Two.
I realise that that without the Excito kernel this can't be achieved, right?
paulchany wrote:What would happen if one try to install the Debian GNU/Linux stable kernel on Bubba Two?
I haven't tried, but since the Excito kernel has some hardware-specific modifications I'm guessing something won't work very well.
paulchany wrote:What is the difference between Excito kernel and Debian kernel?
I don't know what the specific changes are, I'm afraid.
paulchany wrote:Have one the alternative always to install an Excito kernel that is the newest version if one have installed already the Debian GNU/Linux stable operating system on Bubba Two?
Yep, that's the state that the recipe in this thread tries to get your Bubba to. Seems to work for me.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 07:51
by paulchany
I did follow the recipe and have Debian Squeeze on my Bubba Two now.
During this process I get error message only once, at step:
"Install remaining lenny standard system packages":
The following packages are BROKEN:
I solved it this way:
But when I finished steps and get Squeeze on my Bubba Two, I forgot to setup dhcp server on it for my home LAN machines.
So after I exit from my Bubba Debian Squeeze I can't ssh again into it from my LAN anymore.

I can't even ping it from my LAN because I get the message:
connect: Network is unreachable.
What can I do now?
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 07:56
by johannes
If you know it's IP you can just set a computer to a fixed IP in the same range adn ssh to that IP? Or you don't know it's IP?
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 08:17
by paulchany
johannes wrote:If you know it's IP you can just set a computer to a fixed IP in the same range adn ssh to that IP? Or you don't know it's IP?
I have a registered FQDN:
I have connected to my ISP so I get from it a dynamic IP.
I can run the command from my desktop machine:
and get a result shown bellow: has address
so I always can know my Bubba Two's IP.
So, knowing this IP address, I can set a computer on my LAN so I can ping to my Bubba.
Say I have an old laptop on my LAN and on it I have running Debian SID.

I have to setup a network interface on Debian SID for this:
In /etc/network/interfaces I have setup a nic for this now:
Code: Select all
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
After this setup I have to run the command on my laptop:
Code: Select all
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
so now I can ping my Bubba Two from my LAN (from my old laptop).
Still I can't to ssh from there to my Bubba Two:
If I did:
I get message:
Code: Select all
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
What can I do now?
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 08:33
by johannes
Hmm, perhaps I don't understand you fully, but that has bo be Bubbas public IP (on the WAN port). Now, since you removed the Excito packages I am not sure what IP your Bubba has on the LAN, but perhaps you know? Should be 192.168.x.x.
If you know _that_ IP you can ssh directly to it, on your LAN.
Re: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 09:10
by paulchany
johannes wrote:Hmm, perhaps I don't understand you fully, but that has bo be Bubbas public IP (on the WAN port). Now, since you removed the Excito packages I am not sure what IP your Bubba has on the LAN, but perhaps you know? Should be 192.168.x.x.
If you know _that_ IP you can ssh directly to it, on your LAN.
Yes, you are right!
When I being upgraded my Bubba Two to Debian Lenny and Squeeze I used the command:
Now I'm trying to setup NIC on my laptop that is on my LAN:
In /etc/network/interfaces I have now:
Code: Select all
allow-hotplug eth0
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Now when I ssh to my Bubba from the laptop, I get:
Code: Select all
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
What to do now?