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Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 16 Apr 2010, 13:02
by redw0001
Decided to upgrade having seen comments about new UI and seen it in gallery. Upgrade been stuck for 30 mins now looping at about 80.79% with message:
Retrying Querying.
Unable to connect to server. This is probably due to temporary shutdown of the webserver during upgrade. Please be patient. Will retry communications in <then it counts down from 5 seconds.>
Reluctant to do anything .... being patient... any suggestions as to how to get out of this .... successfully
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 16 Apr 2010, 14:35
by 6feet5
@Binkem: I had some problem with mt-daap too after upgrading. In my case it turned out to be a user issue. I had a mismatch between the runas parameter in '/etc/mt-daap' and the ownership of the files '/etc/mt-daap', and '/var/cache/mt-daapd/songs3.db'.
Once I changed the runas parameter to the same user that owned config file and database it started to work. I probably skipped some versions before upgrading to this one, so maybe I missed an important step in the process.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 16 Apr 2010, 15:24
by Binkem
I had the same problem: I could choose between the original mt-daapd.conf and a new one. I chose the original, but it didn't work. Then I tried the new one, but this didn't help either. There are some didderences between the two for instance the run as part. I fiddled around trying to combine the two versions, but i guess this is not the problem. There may be a problem with python 2.4 (see above) or with the new interface.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 16 Apr 2010, 17:37
by RobV
Hi guys from Excito,
You did a nice job, I really like the GUI.
Unfortunately I'm stuck with 2 issues:
- Bubbamon doesn't work
- Samba doesn't work
The release notes state:
It is now possible to turn off the Samba service from the web interface
I suppose this implies that there is a way to switch Samba ON as well, but I haven't found it yet.
Where should I look? Or do I still have to start Samba manually after every reboot?
Gr. Rob
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 01:46
by janstedehouder
After upgrading I also have problems with mt-daap. The service is running, I tried the suggestion to rebuild the database, but to no avail. I use Rhytmbox to connect to the server, but it now says it can't connect to destination.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 07:45
by pa
Regarding the mt-daap problem, I was a bit confused earlier when I said that we had not done anything to it. We have...
Can someone with the problem try to enable logging? Edit the mt-daapd configuration file (/etc/mt-daapd.conf) and remove the "#" before the line "logfile = /var/log/mt-daapd.log". Then restart the service:
and post the content of the logfile (/var/log/mt-daapd.log)
PS. Samba is available in the "services" menu as "Windows file share".
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 09:15
by Harry
Not able to upgrade!
After starting the upgrade the following message appears: "Failed to verify response from server, proceeding with upgrade"
The procedure continues and ends up with the message: "No upgrades available"
I thought that my system was okay again after an earlier upgrade issue, see my two posts in ... 8&start=75
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 09:20
by Xnij
I had a problem with the postinst script for the bubba-backend package. Turns out the email server (which I don't use) configuration in that script was the culprit. Specifically, the "hostname -f" command would return "unkown host".
In the bubba admin UI, under Email -> Server Settings i filled in the Email Domain.
After that the update worked fine. I've had this installation for quite a while so it could be that I've previously messed something up ...
BTW awesome web UI design!
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 12:35
by wm.bubba
I too have upgraded without any problems. I like the radical redesign of the UI, although it does seem a little minimalistic.
On a separate not, since upgrading to 1.3.0, I have had a problem with samba not stating on boot (as have others). This upgrade has not solved that particular problem, and I was curious if a solution to this is near?
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 15:33
by Binkem
The logfile gives no information other than the normal syslog shows:
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Firefly Version svn-1696: Starting with debugle$
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: daap/svn-1696
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: ssc-ffmpeg/svn-1696
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: ssc-script/svn-1696
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: rsp/svn-1696
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Starting signal handler
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Starting rendezvous daemon
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Client running
2010-04-17 21:25:47 (480241c0): Initializing database
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 16:58
by Zebedee
6feet5 wrote:@Binkem: I had some problem with mt-daap too after upgrading. In my case it turned out to be a user issue. I had a mismatch between the runas parameter in '/etc/mt-daap' and the ownership of the files '/etc/mt-daap', and '/var/cache/mt-daapd/songs3.db'.
Once I changed the runas parameter to the same user that owned config file and database it started to work. I probably skipped some versions before upgrading to this one, so maybe I missed an important step in the process.
Thanks. I had this problem and changing the runas parameter to www-data from mt-daapd solved it for me.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 17:19
by pa
Blinkem, can you post your mt-daapd.conf file?
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 18:15
by massis
when I go to bubba/music fireplay screen appears but it remain in "connecting to
http://bubba/music state
this is my /var/log/mt-daapd.log) after restart
Code: Select all
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Firefly Version svn-1696: Starting with debuglevel 2
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Error loading plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins/ plugin declined to load
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: rsp/svn-1696
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: daap/svn-1696
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Plugin loaded: ssc-ffmpeg/svn-1696
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Starting signal handler
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Starting rendezvous daemon
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Client running
2010-04-18 00:05:38 (480241c0): Initializing database
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 18 Apr 2010, 07:55
by pcrene
Hello All,
Update went OK for all besides the DAAP server.
Removing the database did not take care of the problem, no errors where shown reported during install.
Compliments about the userinterface.... like it very much.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Posted: 18 Apr 2010, 14:17
by Sandman
Well done Excito team.
Great new interface. Keep up the good work.