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Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 05:18
by tor
Hi all,

The only thing i can say is that we are working on getting the torrent client more stable. The big problem we have is that its quite hard for us to reproduce the crashes. (It can go for days without crashing.) So any input on what makes it crash is gladly appreciated.

Other than that i can only say that this is one of our top priorities right now.


Posted: 02 May 2007, 03:01
by Clive
Ever since the last update, ftd will crash every time I try to start a new Torrent download whilst others are in progress. I need to log into Bubba each time and restart ftd to be able to continue.

Anyone else noticed this ?

I should also add that as part of the update I also upgraded to the latest version of the 'Tinyhack' (with the icons) and I will try to downgrade to the previous version to see if this is what is causing problems.

Posted: 02 May 2007, 03:12
by tor
Hi Clive,

Could you give some more info on this (Since this is unknown to us). You are able to add some downloads and then when adding yet another it crashes?

Is there a sure way to reproduce it?


Posted: 02 May 2007, 03:21
by Clive
Hi Tor,

Yes, if I either have completed Torrents which are just seeding or Torrents in the process of downloading and I try to add another torrent then ftd crashes. Everytime, without fail so no problem to reproduce if you need some traces.

After restarting FTD I can for then first time only restart all the Torrents which works fine (upload from directory - TinyHack) but after that trying to add any more Torrents will cause FTD to fail.

As I mentioned, I was going to downgrade from 'TinyHack' just to see if this is the problem.


Posted: 02 May 2007, 09:15
by Clive
Hmm, I seem to have messed things up a bit whilst trying to downgrade my web-admin interface.

Can anyone tell me where I can extract the proper 'Excito' interface web admin files to place is /usr/share/web-admin (and sub-directories) ?

Posted: 02 May 2007, 12:27
by bubbalibre
Hi Clive,

Sorry I was far away from any Internet connection for a few days (damn that feels good !).
Clive wrote:Hmm, I seem to have messed things up a bit whilst trying to downgrade my web-admin interface.
Yes, the functionalities are a bit different.
Clive wrote:Can anyone tell me where I can extract the proper 'Excito' interface web admin files to place is /usr/share/web-admin (and sub-directories) ?
You can extract it from the .deb file or download it from my website: (~137 Kb).

I'd find unlikely that the problem could come from my hack, since it's only a frontend, but it's always a good approach to remove anything that's superfluous.

Best regards,

Posted: 02 May 2007, 15:13
by Clive
Thanks all !

I am now back to a working front-end. I will leave things to settle for a while and then do some strace's to try and find why FTD falls over when I try to download new torrents whilst downloading existing.

I guess since no one else is having this issue it must be something to do with my setup (which is not that much different from the standard)

Thanks again,

Posted: 02 May 2007, 15:41
by Cheeseboy
For what it's worth, I just had a similar crash of ftd.
It happened when I was logged in and viewing the download page on one PC (Ubuntu Feisty/Firefox) and then tried to open the download page from another (Win 2003/IE6 SP2). Several downloads were in progress, I didn't attempt to start a new one.

The download page displayed, but the details never displayed and the page never finished loading.
Checking the bubba I saw that the ftd process was no longer there.

I have not tried to reproduce it again as I have to get the downloads completed :-)

I'm new to linux... How come it doesn't generate a core dump as I would have expected from my limited Solaris experience?



Posted: 02 May 2007, 17:50
by Cheeseboy
Yet another crash...
This time while adding another torrent download.
The only thing that stood out this time was that the target directory name created by the download was containing several spaces (seven of them)...

Does anyone know how long I should wait for ftd to check my existing file structure for a reinstated (previously interrupted) download? I have been waiting for hours, finally deleted the existing files and started from scratch...

Are there any log files where I can check the progress?



Posted: 02 May 2007, 22:48
by Cheeseboy
...and another one.
This time it seemed to coincide with the timeout of the http session...

I noticed that I had a ridiculous amount of established connections (~480) to my bubba just before it went down.



Posted: 03 May 2007, 00:58
by Clive
Cheeseboy wrote:Yet another crash...
This time while adding another torrent download.
The only thing that stood out this time was that the target directory name created by the download was containing several spaces (seven of them)...

Does anyone know how long I should wait for ftd to check my existing file structure for a reinstated (previously interrupted) download? I have been waiting for hours, finally deleted the existing files and started from scratch...

Yes, doing this is what causes mine to fall over most of the time. Reinstated Torrent checking can take around 15-20 minutes, depending on the size. Always accompanied by a high processor load from the FTD process (good way to check it's doing what it should).

Posted: 03 May 2007, 04:51
by Clive
Tried to do an strace on an active FTD process and then attempted to load up another torrent, this is it's output (which means nothing to me)

sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
gettimeofday({1178181653, 836986}, NULL) = 0
select(77, [7 18 22 34 39 45 76], [18 34 39 45 76], [7 18 22 34 39 45 76], {1, 0}) = 2 (in [18], out [18], left {0, 750000})
gettimeofday({1178181654, 109447}, NULL) = 0
recv(18, "\0\0\0\r\6\0\0\0v\0\7\200\0\0\0@\0", 64, 0) = 17
send(18, "\0\0@\t\7\0\0\0v\0\0\200\0", 13, 0) = 13
send(18, "\0\0\1\272Dd\255\200\5\201\1\211\303\370\0\0\1\340\7\354"..., 16384, 0) = 16384
send(18, "\0\0@\t\7\0\0\0v\0\7\200\0", 13, 0) = 13
send(18, "\0\0\1\272Dd\324\4\226-\1\211\303\370\0\0\1\340\7\354\201"..., 16384, 0) = 3944
gettimeofday({1178181654, 150280}, NULL) = 0 <- at this point i added the new torrent
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield() = 0
pid 14699 stray syscall exit
) = 0
pid 14699 stray syscall exit
) = 0
+++ killed by SIGKILL +++[/b]

Posted: 03 May 2007, 05:03
by pa

Is it possible for you to share which torrents you are using aswell? That will help us recreate the crashes on our own systems.
If not in the forum, maybe by a seperate mail to our support?


Posted: 04 May 2007, 23:13
by Cheeseboy
Hi guys,

I'm still getting the crashes on a regular basis.
If it would help I would be able to give full access to my bubba to the developers...



Posted: 09 May 2007, 02:17
by TheKnugen
Hi all,
Same here...