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Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 10:57
by Eek
from the listing i am missing the /var/lib/squidguard/db/blacklists/gambling directory
and also the created databases domains.db and urls.db
these should have been created with the command: squidguard -C all
from the files /var/lib/squidguard/db/blacklists/gambling/domains
and /var/lib/squidguard/db/blacklists/gambling/urls
could you check if these exist?

port 22 is only ssh, yes. all you need, right? :D
you could tunnel port 80 through ssh and acces the homepage
or setup a vpn (see how-to)

Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 14:56
by Puma

In my /var/lib/squidguard/db/blacklists/gambling/
exist the following:
- domains
- domains.db
- urls
- urls.db
- usage

So the db files are made?!

Why doesn't it work??


Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 15:08
by Eek
good question!
looks all oke.
maybe some strange characters?
could you do a

Code: Select all

cat -v squidGuard.conf

Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 15:17
by Puma

No I can't : No such file or directory

bubba:/home/hdroogers# cat -v squidGuard.conf
cat: squidGuard.conf: No such file or directory
bubba:/home/hdroogers# cat -v squidguard.conf
cat: squidguard.conf: No such file or directory

Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 14 Nov 2009, 05:09
by pacella
How can I turn on the firewall on my computer? My firewall is automatically off and I can't change it. It says, "For your security, some setting are controlled by Group Policy." What do I do?
asian matrimonial

Re: Firewall content filtering FIXED!

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 03:44
by Puma

I finaly have it working perfectly now!

I had to add the following to the squid.conf (at the end) :

redirect_program /usr/bin/squidGuard -c /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf
redirect_children 8
redirector_bypass on

Now it is perfectly working.

Thanks for all your help!


Re: Firewall content filtering

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 06:00
by Eek
I did not know these parameters
will take a look