hastalapasta wrote:
I know. But what if a bit flips from 0 to 1 such that not only a reinstallation takes place, but also a wipe of the data partition?
Maybe I am paranoid, but this single line in the install/cnofigurtation script in the install directory needs only 1 bit to flip (altough the right one..) and all my data is gone, right?
AFAIK bits do not just flip on modern computers unless there is a hardware problem. There are things like checksums, parity bits, error-correcting codes, etc., which prevent bit-flipping very effectively.
Now of course the original Bubba2 as shipped
does have a hardware (memory) problem. So if you have a Bubba2 produced before, let's say, the 10th of November 2008, you really should apply the "bootloader upgrade" to fix the memory problem. Perhaps there is even a slight possibility that this fails, because you are using a system which is (in principle) broken to fix itself. But the chance of failure should be infinitesimal. I wouldn't worry about bits flipping if I were you.
Note that there are now 3 ways to boot or upgrade a Bubba 2 from stick/disk:
1 - Complete "wipe and reinstall". If successful, the blue light stops flashing. You get a new Bubba2 back, but you lose all your data. It takes 10 ~15 minutes.
QUESTION to the Excito people: has the "wipe and reinstall" image been updated, so it performs a "bootloader upgrade", when necessary, also?
2 - Reboot without reformat. Specify this in the bubba.conf file in the /install directory of your reboot stick/disk. It reboots a minimal system; this takes only a few seconds. The blue light goes on flashing; there is no indication that the process has finished. You can access a minimal Linux system through the WAN interface, when you have figured out the IP address of the box. You need to have a DHCP server on your network. Only people with some Linux/Debian experience have any hope to perform this procedure successfully. Until, of course, user-level documentation about this is published by Excito; in the meantime you might look at my post
http://forum.excito.net/viewtopic.php?t ... =adventure
3 - Bootloader upgrade. See the "announcements" section on this forum about how to do this. Basically anybody with problems with the Bubba2 should do this first; but only once. Afterwards the Bubba2 will be 100% "bit-flipping-proof". But in any case I wouldn't worry too much about "bit-flipping".
Regards, Jan