Good morning!
Jan, thanks for extensive reply.
My biggest problem sofar is time. I only received the unit wednesday, so I didn't have time to study it in detail. Thanks for pointing out the led_on/off in /etc/, saves time looking for it.
I agree that the problem is not isolated to USB. I now read the whole thread and read that you already had the same problem on NFS / network.
The outcome of my testing yesterday:
Some factors during test:
- Ambient (room) temp: 22 °C
- CPU Temp measured by means of digital probe, stuck (with tape!) on top of the CPU package. (Extech 430 multimeter)
- FireFly service NOT running.
- WAN NOT connected.
- Attached USB HD: WD 500Gb, Toshiba USB Casing (IDE to USB2) with 143 Gb MP3 files in hundreds of dirs, FAT32, greatest filesize 25 Mb
The CPU ran at 43 °C when idle (no LAN activity, no webinterface/SSH opened) for ca. 1 hour.
After that I connected to Bubba with SSH, and did
Code: Select all
# cd /home/storage/extern/disk_0/
# cp -r * /home/storage/music/test/ [enter] date [enter]
The second 'date' so I would get the time after finish.
Fired up second SSH to sens aliveness:
Code: Select all
# while true; date; do sleep 30;done
Minimal impact on performance, indicates time the unit would stop responding.
Code: Select all
lap time/temp°C/ remark
01:00 43 start copy
01:08 48 approx 3 GB/500 files done
01:30 50
02:00 52
interrupted SSH session 2 (the 30sec loop) and counted progress:
# du -sm /home/storage/music/test/
(cont. loop)
03:00 55 53940 /home/storage/music/test/ (so approx 54 GB transfered, sofar 18 GB/hr)
04:30 54 80692 /home/storage/music/test/ (still very close to 18 GB/hr)
05:30 54
06:30 54
07:00 54 122261 /home/storage/music/test/ (17.4/hr, dropped a little)
08:12 54 142890 /home/storage/music/test/
08:15 57 !found that I covered the top of the unit with the multimeter *ahem*
08:17 54 but it cooled down quickly again
approx 143 GB transferred in 8hrs 12min
This morning the temp was back at 48 °C after night running idle
Hafway the test I started to make some connections to the Bubba with a Win2k system, mounting networkdrive //Bubba/ and looking at the copied dirs. Counting (find *) files and refreshing (F5) the dirlist.
No real impact was found.
I concluded that
- very unlikely a thermal problem on the systemboard (well designed!)
- hang does not occur with USB copy of a lot of 'small' files
* * I've been told that Johannes indeed confirmed a complete hang now, NOT only ethernet connection.
In the past I have been experimenting with a MU5000 from Ovislink, a small embedded linux Samba server. The biggest problem I had was ...... Unit froze up during transfer of BIG files.
So, the next test I'll conduct is transfer BIG files to/from the Bubba via network.
Jan, just a hunch, but could you test your previous situation (with hang) but now with FireFly service OFF?
Just curious.
Will keep you posted.