But I want to know what speeds I can expect from the Bubba Two, I have an 100/10Mbit internet connection and I don't want that the Bubba slows it down.
Is there someone who could test this? Both WAN and LAN are interesting.

BR Reuben
Tested here at home with a normal 100Mbit line, I get 82 Mbit down and 70 Mbit up, though it is difficult to verify this numbers as it's always other things that slows things down; From more local sources (Lund vs. Malmö), I usually gets around 10 MiB/s download.Cohan wrote:I just tried my 28/1 ADSL connection with Bredbandskollen http://www.bredbandskollen.se/ - click on "Starta mätning"
I get 19.1 Mbit downstream and 0.81 Mbit upstream both when I connect my computer directly to the modem and when connecting through Bubba|Two. I don't think there should be any speed impact at 100/10 either, but someone maybe have tried and can enlighten us.
The squeezecenter package is pretty much ready now, some minor fixes only, and some legal stuff to take care of.Reuben wrote:Thanks Carl and Cohan. I know theese speedtests are not reliable
But if you Carl get theese speeds there is now problem with a 100Mbit line
And since you work on the support I must ask another question, is it far away until we see official slimserver support?
Br Reuben
Edit: Another question aswell, what transfer speed can I expect when copying/moving files from and to Bubba TWO on my internal GB LAN?
Difference between FTP and SMB speed?
Other hardware are Netgear Gb Switch, and the computer are an Intel Core 2 duo 1,83 with 2GB of RAM, WD 640GB harddrive and Intel Gb networkcard. Cable is CAT6.