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msx wrote:lol, i tought about this too
mine is 4 days, 16 hours ( ).. but i don't have an UPS so the first time light goes out it will reboot..
wow jocke your uptime is great! but we want proofs
215 days; that is impressive. We had one of our circuit breakers trip just before New Year; luckily, our bubba is also powered via a UPS, so it was a. safe and b. its uptime was not affected.
Mine is up for 246 days now. It would have been a lot longer if I would not have pulled the plug by accident 246 days ago....
It is on a UPS, but that doesn´t help if its owner pulles the plug...
Damn. Tried to upload a torrent from my mobile phone to the bubba, and it became completely unstable. Restarting ftd didn't seem to help, so had to reboot the bubba. Uptime was 138 days, is now 30 minutes...