I just noticed that I don't see my firefly from iTunes anymore. I cannot browse to http://bubba.local:3689/ either.
When trying to start the mt-daapd daemon, I get:
Code: Select all
bubba:/usr# /etc/init.d/mt-daapd start
Starting daapd server: mt-daapdmt-daapd: client.c:776: avahi_client_errno: Assertion `client' failed.
/etc/init.d/mt-daapd: line 79: 15791 Aborted start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON

I have not done anything to my setup but upgrading to latest firmware.
By the error message, I tried to restart the avahi-daemon, but the result is
Also, when trying to start the avahi, I get
Code: Select all
bubba:/usr# /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start
* Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon
Btw the only modification I have made to my mt-daapd.conf is that I have changed the servername tag of the service. But this has worked fine a long time before the FW upgrade.