Hi all,
The other day I noticed that root's history was cleared...
As far as I'm aware this has not happened before. I did reboot the Bubba around that time, but I don't think previous boots has cleared the history.
Any reasons why this would happen?
Or has someone been on my machine and tried to cover their tracks?
Thanks in advance,
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/root/.bash_history wiped...
if I would break in to your machine I would never clear the whole history becasue you would notice that. Apart from that there are a number of reasons why this happened. Given only yhe information you supplied it is very difficult to assess what happened. I would not worry to much though. (you *did* change your root password when you received the unit right?!)
Hi Ubi,
Thanks for your reply.
I couldn't give much more info as I couldn't really think of anything I did to the machine at the same time.
At first I thought it could be related to a recent /var/yp/make, but having thought it through i realized that was several weeks before the history disapeared...
Yes I have changed my root password :-)
I meant of cource that I ran make in /var/yp
Thanks for your reply.
I couldn't give much more info as I couldn't really think of anything I did to the machine at the same time.
At first I thought it could be related to a recent /var/yp/make, but having thought it through i realized that was several weeks before the history disapeared...
Yes I have changed my root password :-)
I meant of cource that I ran make in /var/yp