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i've a question: in there a jvm installed on bubba? (i think no )
if no, is it possible to install one? is there some arm binary or some open source java implementation that works?
PS another question on the fly: is it possible to put more RAM on the server? 64 MB of ram looks like one of the main limits of bubba
Regarding the JVM, I have to leave that question to be answered by software people, but for the RAM part, I can answer that no, it is not possible to add more memory.
However we have not seen that 64MB is very limiting since we do nor run any graphical applicaitons on the board so most of the overhead of a normal workstation using an X-server is not there.
Note also that you can shut down many of the services that is not needed in your specifica case (using our web-interface) to save RAM.