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I've been playing around a bit with extension development for Firefox lately and the result is: BubbaMon - the Firefox extension
The main purpose was to make it easier to add new downloads but I soon added features similar to the Soundbridge version I made. Anyway, the files are now available for download, enjoy. I hope you find it useful. Files and instructions on how to install them are available at, my fresh homepage (dusted off my limited HTML skills ). I've done my best to test the extension (mainly in Linux but I've done some testing in Windows as well) but this is my very first Firefox extension and debugging javascript when writing extensions turned out to be a bit more complicated than I had imagined, so there are probably a couple of bugs yet to be discovered. Let me know if you find any of them.
Hi Johan,
I installed your plugin, but it doesn't seem to work.
Every time I enter my username and password in the Options menu, the password field ends up containing only a single *. Once this has happened, every 5 seconds a popup appears, saying that the username and password don't match. The problem with this is that this dialog takes the focus every time, meaning that you can't correct the problem; in fact, the browser becomes completely unusable, and the only way to close it is via the Task Manager (Win XP).
While your extension looks like a nice addition to Firefox, as it stands it is completely unusable (for me at least)...
That sounds weird. I had some problem with password management in the first two versions when running in Windows. The popup problem you describe sound like you're using an old version. The latest, v0.3, should only bug you once every startup and then be silent until you change any value. Which one is it you're trying? Also, what version of Firefox are you using and is this Windows or Unix?
Hi Johan,
thanks for the quick reply. I was using the latest version from your website, with Firefox under Win XP. I've just downloaded the same version again, and this time it's working fine. Very strange.
Anyway, thanks for the app (I've been using bubbamon with my 2 soundbridges for a while now, and find it extremely useful).
The plot thickens..... I'm not sure what could be causing this. I've only experienced this in early versions. I guess it is a good thing it is working now though.
@JohanSalo: Maybe reinstalling it will solve the problem for you too. If you haven't done it already, would you mind examine what firefox think your password is? Select Edit->Preferences->Security->Show Passwords. Locate "chrome://bubbamon" (probably at the top of the list) and press Show Passwords. Is this even close to what it should be? Are you using any unusual characters in your password (something not 0-9, A-Z or a-z)?
I've noticed something strange. I'm using bubbamon to display info on both my soundbridges and I'm also using your Firefox plugin. However, the information displayed is different; bubbamon (soundbridge) states that 14% of the disk is full, while bubbamon (Firefox) gives a value of 18% instead. It's not a serious problem, but I thought you might like to know anyway...
That sounds weird, but the two versions use different sources. The firefox version uses the usage value reported by the df command and the firefox version uses the values reported by the web interface on your bubba. Not that it explains why they differ
Could you show me the output from df (log on to bubba and execute the command) and also the values from the web interface? Maybe it'll shed some light on this.
After I posted my cry for help I noticed that my disk was't in the .db after adding it I dont get the error device not in .db but I still get UNK* when using FF.