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best way to upgrade question

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best way to upgrade question

Post by Puma »


I'm thinking of the best way to upgrade.
I have several B3's running fine.
I just want to run onwcloud 8 and be somehow protected.
PHP 5.3.3 is old and needs to be replaced to run owncloud 8.

Option 1. Arch
Never operating system but i lose the webinterface i love very much.

Option 2. upgrade to wheezy.
Then i need to go for the uboot update. (which exacty steps do i need? which is proven??)
I will again lose the interface.

Option 3. stay with squeeze and compile PHP5.4.
When this is te best option preserving the excito web interface can somebody tell me how to compile php and use the right source?

Have you people better ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: best way to upgrade question

Post by Gordon »

Writing anything new to the flash memory proves to be extremely buggy when doing this from userland. I've had nothing but trouble with it. So if you consider upgrading to Wheezy get yourself a serial connector to your B3. Wheezy might also run on Sakaki's Arch kernel though, but you could have an issue with applications that are build against the kernel and thus require this to be a specific version.

Compiling PHP 5.4 could possibly be troublesome as well. Some functions may not compile correctly against the 2.6 kernel, but I don't know if you really need those to run the Bubba interface and/or Wordpress.

Arch could possibly run the Bubba interface straight out of the box if you install it from its source packages, but the specified dependencies are something that will need to be overcome. I'm currently working on merging bubba-backend with Gentoo. Still a long time from publishing anything, as I'm also fixing some flaws on the way (such as eth0 being hardcoded as WAN interface where in my case it is ppp0).
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Re: best way to upgrade question

Post by Puma »

Dear Gordon,

Thank you for your quick and thorough answer.

This evening I updated the u-boot of one of my B3's

I downloaded the minimal install wheezy from MouettE

And the Kernel 3.2 for B2/B3 from MouettE

I will replace copy the minimal install image on a rescue disc and will this week install the b3 with this image.
Then I need to install the kernel 3.2

Code: Select all

dpkg -i bubba3-kernel_3.2.62-1_armel.deb
The questions i have:
- Is the installation procedure above correct?
- How can I install and configure a firewall (just like the original B3)?
- How can I create a raid 1 array
- Is there a possibility to restore the webinterface of excito?

Thanks in advance.

Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside!
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Re: best way to upgrade question

Post by beaufils »

Did you succeed to upgrade your b3 to Debian wheezy ?

If yes could you describe the procedure you used ?

I am moving my data from my excito to a "homemade" Raspberry Pi 2 "equivalent" for the time of upgrading my b3. I wish to have a fresh clean Debian install on it (jessie). I would prefer not having to soldier anything on the b3 board.

Is there any clean and up-to-date howto on upgrading to wheezy (and after that on jessie) anywhere ?
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Re: best way to upgrade question

Post by MouettE »

Puma wrote:- Is the installation procedure above correct?
Lokks good but you should probably wait for the jessie image.
Puma wrote:How can I install and configure a firewall (just like the original B3)?
You have several options for that. I use firehol personnaly but you should check the debian firewall wiki page for alternatives.
Puma wrote:How can I create a raid 1 array
That must be done manually. I can help you with that but I need more details. I suggest you open a new topic.
Puma wrote:Is there a possibility to restore the webinterface of excito?
Everything possible but you'll need to find volunteers to help you with that. There is a fairly large amount adaptation to the code base and a huge amount of testing to do for everything to work.
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