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We have not yet published our kernel and initrd. Mainly due to lack of time on our side. It is in the works however.
But i however think that you are better of by running the plain versatile kernel on Qemu since our kernel have a few adaptions to fit Bubba hw which is not available, at least not now, on Qemu.
I wish for the developers could release a CD ISO + Install of their bubba server code, for the typical home user. Being a newbie to Linux, I love the idea, and how it operates better then Windows. However all my attempts on creating a Home server has pretty much blown up in my face.
I know that everything that Bubba is doing is great, however not having ( $ 400 + CND ) kinda sucks because I really want one.
They could if they wanted, bundle everything, including their main interface, which, I think is the coolest ever, and charge 1/10 of the actual server.