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pretty new to debian and i have been messing around abit with my b3.. Igot some scripts running and got homeautomation working just fine on my b3.
however when checking syslog its getting spammed with these messages (see attached jpg file), i guess it has some negative impact on my system perfromance.. any idea how to get this resolved? (not sure if this is the right forum...) any help is apriciated.
(forum script state it was to spamy for a new user so i had to make it a jpg (text file was not accepted )
These appear to be messages from the easyfind service; a dynamic DNS system that Excito has set up for us B3 users (<yourname> You can search the forum for tips and tricks on this service or just disable the it if you're not using easyfind.
Shouldn't be getting these errors though. I just checked my system and I've been getting them since February 1st. I think this has been posted before and it was caused by a DB outage at Excito but I might be making that up.
Ah... The image got truncated in my browser, so I actually didn't see those error messages. Just that the messages came from twisted...
I do note that the top message states "connection lost" though. Could the web service have been down for some time? I just verified and it appears to be running now.
I am experiencing the same syslog & userlog problem as you guys do. I actually wrote a new post on an old thread just some hour ago asking for help, search for "Easyfind Bubba3 Twisted: No JSON object could be decoded" (sorry, cannot link URLs as a new user).
I ran an altered version of the easyfind script, which provides me more verbosity, earlier today and what I'm seeing looks like proper JSON to me. I also do not get any errors that resemble what you guys are seeing. The problem therefore seems unrelated to the easyfind server itself.
Maybe you're having a DNS related issue? Can you state what IP address refers to?
That's the correct address. Weird. It would have made more sense if that would have said something like, which is what they often do with sites that are somehow considered bad or illegal.