Just thought I'd briefly share that I was able to upgrade the MiniDLNA server to version 1.0.24 with the following steps (as usual no guarantees, and I am not sure how this will sit with a later upgrade of the B3):
Generally follow these guides:
http://www.openstora.com/wiki/index.php ... _updating)
http://www.openstora.com/wiki/index.php ... a/Updating
http://dev.shyd.de/2011/08/minidlna-doc ... na-server/
The update described in the third link actually worked for me and seems easier than the other two.
Only addition was that I had to install sqlite3 beforehand:
Code: Select all
apt-get update
apt-get install sqlite3
That's it.
It still doesn't fix the fact that MiniDLNA stumbles over certain file types and stops indexing, but if you let it create the db in DEBUG mode with
Code: Select all
/usr/sbin/minidlna -R -d -f /etc/minidlna.conf
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/minidlna start
Hope this helps