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MiniDLNA - Upgrade to 1.0.24 -> success.

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Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 11:13

MiniDLNA - Upgrade to 1.0.24 -> success.

Post by Adfra »

Hi there,

Just thought I'd briefly share that I was able to upgrade the MiniDLNA server to version 1.0.24 with the following steps (as usual no guarantees, and I am not sure how this will sit with a later upgrade of the B3):

Generally follow these guides: ... _updating) ... a/Updating ... na-server/

The update described in the third link actually worked for me and seems easier than the other two.
Only addition was that I had to install sqlite3 beforehand:

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apt-get update
apt-get install sqlite3
Then adjust/confirm your minidlna.conf settings which typically sits in /etc/minidlna.conf

That's it.

It still doesn't fix the fact that MiniDLNA stumbles over certain file types and stops indexing, but if you let it create the db in DEBUG mode with

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/usr/sbin/minidlna -R -d -f /etc/minidlna.conf
you can watch and see where it hangs. Once indexing is done stop the process with CTRL-C and restart through

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/etc/init.d/minidlna start
I have come to the point where I won't download .mkv files anymore and will typically delete any files out of my video folder that are not the actual movies or the cover-art.

Hope this helps
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Joined: 25 Jul 2012, 12:57

Re: MiniDLNA - Upgrade to 1.0.24 -> success.

Post by iveand »


Thanks for your notes. I have been having "minor" problems with miniDLNA in that I have to manually restart it quite often (maybe every other day, but I don't use it everyday: it just seems that it needs restarting whenever I need it).

The reason I know it is hung is that in VLC it will not appear under Local Network / Universal Plug'n'Play. But, after restarting, then it immediately appears and all videos are available again.

So, I am wondering if you can comment on what problems were occurring previously that were addressed by your updating to version 1.0.24.

Would you think that possibly my crashes are related? You are implying that .mkv files may not be good for miniDLNA. Can you give any more references to where I can search out compatibility with other file types?

Thanks for any advice. This has been an annoying bug that I haven't yet gotten to the bottom of. Also, not sure how to check my current version of miniDLNA. I have noted that "minidlna --version" or just "minidlna" to get a listing of commands doesn't seem to work. As you can see I am pretty ignorant.

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Joined: 18 Jul 2012, 17:40

Re: MiniDLNA - Upgrade to 1.0.24 -> success.

Post by elsbernd »

I stumbled on this post while searching something about minidlna.
Also, not sure how to check my current version of miniDLNA.

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man mindlna

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minidlna -V
as root.

I just installed and currently the test is running for minidlna-1.0.25.

I checked the configuration and stumbled upon the inotify option, set to yes in the bubba /etc/bubba/minidlna.conf.
inotify should need /dev/inotify imho. But this node doesn't exist on my b3 System.
Should I create it with

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mknod /dev/inotify c 10 63
It seems, that some sort of notification is active, and minidlna get's some info about changes in the file system.
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