I have torrent files *.torrent that you can use with progeammes like uTorrent. I do not understan how to use bittorrents with the BUBBA download page.
Thank you John
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Torrent help basic advice
Yes, that's a feature requested by some customers, and will be available in the next software release (coming soon). Then, there will be a torrent folder, just drop your torrent files there and they will download.
For now, the only way is to past the link to the torrent file in the downloader. (however, I guess it should work to paste a link to the file even if it's local, like c:\mytorrentfiles\torrent.torrent).
So, our next release will solve our problems!
For now, the only way is to past the link to the torrent file in the downloader. (however, I guess it should work to paste a link to the file even if it's local, like c:\mytorrentfiles\torrent.torrent).
So, our next release will solve our problems!
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Ah, my bad, didn't think that post through. Very sorry.
Of course won't work unless you publish the file on a local web server (like if you place it in Bubba's web folder), and link to that. So, save the file in \\bubba\home\web\, and then paste that link into the download manager, for instance: http://bubba/testtorrent.torrent.
This works.
Of course won't work unless you publish the file on a local web server (like if you place it in Bubba's web folder), and link to that. So, save the file in \\bubba\home\web\, and then paste that link into the download manager, for instance: http://bubba/testtorrent.torrent.
This works.

/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
With the latest firmware upgrade it is possible to drop these files in the torrent directory in your home folder and the torrent should be downloaded.
(Note, the torrent directory is not created until an ordinary download is done with the newest version. So if you dont have a torrent directory, do a normal torrent download and it should be created.)
(Note, the torrent directory is not created until an ordinary download is done with the newest version. So if you dont have a torrent directory, do a normal torrent download and it should be created.)
Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer