Hey guys!
I want to use my 4G Samsung GT-B3730 usb modem on my laptop with Fedora 14 but i have
problems because the system thinks that the modes is a mass storage.
Now i found a driver for Ubuntu here:
And a tutorial here:
but on the begining when i type: sh build.sh
i get this error message:
make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. Stop.
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Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
My, my, these spammers are getting more elaborate by the day
http://www.google.com/search?q=%22I+wan ... +laptop%22
http://www.google.com/search?q=%22I+wan ... +laptop%22
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
But what is he/she selling?My, my, these spammers are getting more elaborate by the day

Perhaps just a desperate person, hosing all forums available with the same question?
I had the same issue with my Huawei 3G modem on my Ubuntu laptop a year ago, caused by the dual functionality of those USB devices. They also act as USB mem-sticks so they can store the Windoze drivers, so the HW recognition in Linux gets all screwed up.
I think the solution was a package called usb-modeswitch.
There is this:
https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/a ... modeswitch
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
you would post the bitwise exact same story on fora that have nothing to do with any item of the problem at hand? I admit this is a borderline case, but for spammers aiming to surpass the moderator-threshold required for dumping spam, copy-pasting from semi-related fora seems like an obvious thing to do.
Still, even if this is not a spammer, it's surely a post that has no place on this forum.
Still, even if this is not a spammer, it's surely a post that has no place on this forum.
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
Agreed!Still, even if this is not a spammer, it's surely a post that has no place on this forum.
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
also, I guess the answer to the problem is that the OP forgot to install the correct version of the kernel modules rpm. SO might help
Code: Select all
yum install kernel-devel kernel-source kernel-headers
Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
Ah, good ole' yum, it says such sweet things:

Code: Select all
$ yum search buttocks
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

Re: Fedora 14 - Samsung GT-B3730 driver instalation problem
Speaking of which, has anybody though of running Fedora14 on B3?