Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late reply, but I've been away (even I leave the computer once in a while for some real life activities

As for the web page, sorry 'bout this. Seems I forgot to post a message about the new address. Gmail decided to flag a warning message from dyndns as spam. This message was an account expiration warning and so I missed updating my account and lost the redirection. When signing up again, dyndns had limited the number of names available and I could no longer use the one I've been using so far (homeip.net). The new name is therefore
This will however change soon (I hope). I've decided to move my homepage to a web hotel and buy my own domain name. I'll try to remember to notify you when this is done
FF5, hmm how long have I actually been away??? It was only a couple of months ago I added support for FF4. These guys have really kicked it into high gear. I'll look into this and see if there are any big changes, otherwise I'll just bump the max version to support the new firefox. Feel free to post me compatibility issues if you find any.
Happy midsummer from a sunny Sweden (at least where I am).