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How do I change user permissions in telnet?

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How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Madnick »

OK. That is about the question.
I want to create a user account that has permissions to a certain file folder only, and not for example to the music, pictures and movies folder.
At the moment when I try to change the permissions for those folders in the web GUI, I only get "changing permissions failed" or something like that as a result.

So how do I change the permissions to those folders using telnet?

As a sidenote I could say that I have only two accounts in my B3 at the moment. An "administrator" and one user account with SSH. I do not have an owner account, since I do not know how to create one.
Maybe I could change the permissions in the web GUI as an "owner"???
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Joined: 08 Apr 2007, 12:16

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Cheeseboy »

Hi again,

You will not be able to connect to your B3 via telnet unless you have installed a telnet daemon.
You will have to use ssh.
Regarding changing the permissions, look into chmod, either by doing:

Code: Select all

man chmod
or probably more helpful:

But why don't you ask the obvious question?
Why does the web interface fail? It doesn't for me...

Best regards,

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Joined: 09 Oct 2009, 18:49

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by RandomUsername »

When connecting via SSH (not TELNET) these are the commands you want (run as root by doing

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[root password]

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Creates a new user but you're best off doing that via the web interface (using the admin account).

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chown user:user filename
Would change permissions on a file to be exclusively accessible by that one user.

If doing it for a directory you'd need this:

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chown -R user:user dirname
the -R applies the settings to all subdirectories and files.

The reason you're getting the permissions error in the web interface is probably because you're using your normal user account and you don't have the permissions. Have you tried with the admin account?

If you want a new user to not have permissions to access your /home/storage/pictures or whatever you'd need to make sure said user isn't in the "users" group as those directories are owned by that group.

To do that you need to do this:

Code: Select all

usermod -G user user
This will make the user a member of their own group only.
Posts: 21
Joined: 01 Apr 2011, 21:40

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Madnick »

OK. I will give that a try. At the moment I'm at an other location, so we will see later.
I get the same error message regarding the permissions when logged in as an admin, so that is why I was asking other methods.
Why I can't change the permissions as an admin... No clue...
Is there a way to give the admin account more rights some way?
Posts: 789
Joined: 08 Apr 2007, 12:16

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Cheeseboy »

I really think you should concentrate on trying to find out what the problem is, rather than trying to work around it.

As root:

Code: Select all

tail -f /var/log/syslog
Then try to change the permissions using the web interface, get the error, and let us know what goes into the syslog.

Best regards,

Posts: 904
Joined: 09 Oct 2009, 18:49

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by RandomUsername »

Also, what's the output of

Code: Select all

ls -l /home/

Code: Select all

ls -l /home/storage/
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Joined: 01 Apr 2011, 21:40

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Madnick »

OK. Syslog a couple of minutes before and after I tried to cange the permissions:
May 2 13:45:01 NH-Server /USR/SBIN/CRON[17404]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/bin/php && /usr/bin/php /usr/share/horde3/scripts/alarms.php)
May 2 13:47:52 NH-Server bubba-networkmanager: Starting up
May 2 13:48:53 NH-Server bubba-networkmanager: Server timed out, terminating
May 2 13:48:53 NH-Server bubba-networkmanager: Daemon terminating
May 2 13:48:53 NH-Server bubba-networkmanager: Shutting down
May 2 13:50:01 NH-Server /USR/SBIN/CRON[17470]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/lib/web-admin/ && /usr/lib/web-admin/
May 2 13:50:01 NH-Server /USR/SBIN/CRON[17471]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/bin/php && /usr/bin/php /usr/share/horde3/scripts/alarms.php)
May 2 13:52:29 NH-Server mt-daapd[1348]: Rescanning database
May 2 13:52:30 NH-Server mt-daapd[1348]: Starting playlist scan
May 2 13:52:30 NH-Server mt-daapd[1348]: Updating playlists
May 2 13:52:31 NH-Server mt-daapd[1348]: Scanned 795 songs (was 795) in 2 seconds
May 2 13:52:32 NH-Server hostapd: wlan0: STA 00:18:de:97:03:57 WPA: group key handshake completed (RSN)

ls -l /home/ and ls -l /home/storage/ give out absolutely nothing?

By the way when I check my admin rights with WinSCP it's 0755, the same as my user rights...
Should I change that, and if so, how?
Posts: 904
Joined: 09 Oct 2009, 18:49

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by RandomUsername »

ls -l /home/ and ls -l /home/storage/ give out absolutely nothing?
That's...unexpected. This s definitely while you've ssh'd into your Bubba?
Posts: 21
Joined: 01 Apr 2011, 21:40

Re: How do I change user permissions in telnet?

Post by Madnick »

Yeah. So it is.

I made a new user called "visitor" then I made a new group called "visitor". I can not see the new group in the web GUI, but I suppose that is normal?
Then I gave the command: "usermod -G visitor visitor".
User "visitor" is still in group "users" since he still has all access to all files/folders.
How do I change that?
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