This not at all "solved" or "old". My brand new bubba3 (january 2012) has already 40800 LoadCycles at 318 hours of PowerOn. Thats 128 cycles / hour!
While the typical load cycle limit for HDs is normally 300000-600000, I found somewhere on that forum ... 731/page/7,
that the WD greens are actually rated to at least 1000000 load cycles. With 128cycl/hour I would have reached that amount after only 325 days!
Surly, even if there are no reports of failing disks, the risk of such high LoadCycle count is not worth taking?
Apparently this feature is optimized for usage patters characteristic for certain OSs and file systems, none of them being those used by the Bubba server.
The write-sleep loop script seems to fix the problem, but that's just a nasty work-around.
A better solution would be to try to make the system use the disk less often (laptop_mode, less logging).
A even better solution would be not to use the WD Green drives, or any other drive with a weird and difficult to control power-saving behavior.
I expect the Excito team to solve this problem.
ps. The disk is WDC WD20EARS-00MVWB0.