As emacs is my favourite editor and Swedish is my native language, it'd be nice if you could type "åäö" in emacs. I haven't gotten it to work in emacs21 (which is what Bubba|2 runs at the moment).
1. Anyone have info on how to get åäö to work with utf8 support in emacs21?
2. Anyone knows how to install emacs23 on Bubba|2? I tried to add the "sid" repository, but it won't accept it.
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åäö in emacs, or emacs23
Re: åäö in emacs, or emacs23
Regarding 2, If you can't find it in any repository and really want it, you can install it from source.
The last 3 steps will take some time 
Code: Select all
(as root) apt-get install make gcc g++ libncurses5-dev
Code: Select all
tar -xvf emacs-23.1.tar.gz
cd emacs-23.1
./configure --without-x --without-makeinfo
(as root) make install

Re: åäö in emacs, or emacs23
To get äöå to work in emacs21 you should add this
in your .emacs file
Code: Select all
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'mule-utf-8)