i can already now say what ur problem whit the disk is u haw ust ur disk on osx, when u us a disk on osx and made osx file system partion on it u need to do a spisjal format on the disk , because a normal format dount remove the osx partion 100%, this whas my problem so i googeld and finde out the solution, u need a linux computer u can connect the disk to, and do a GPT Format disk an reinstall Bubba Two
Removing GPT Partitions in GNU/Linux using dd and fdisk
Look up GPT on wiki by clicking here.
Basically GPT resides both at the beginning and the end of a hard drive. To zero out
the beginning of a drive doesn't remove GPT recognition from fdisk without zeroing out
the end of the drive as well.
Anyway, to clear the GPT without waiting hours for a total drive zero, do the following:
1. fdisk -s /dev/devicename --- This gets the blocksize of the device.
Make the last five digits of this number zeros. Example: fdisk -s /dev/sda
Will show an error about GPT, and then the block size: 39078144
Change to 39000000 which equals our blockcount
2. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/devicename bs=512 seek=blockcount
3. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/devicename bs=512 count=1
The last two steps gets rid of the end of drive data as well as the beginning data. Good luck.
PS when u do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/devicename bs=512 seek=blockcount it going to take coepl of hours so u known