A new year has begun and I'm happy to announce a new release of BubbaMon, my firefox extension.
- Options dialog completely rewritten.
- Added a button to test connectivity to host (it will tell you what kind of server was found, if any)
- Added a test button to verify HDDtemp settings (only needed by BUBBA|server owners)
- Added a test button to verify intermediate settings. This will try and save a file in the selected directory and then try to download it from the local server and finally delete the torrent file.
- Added user control over what information is shown in progressbars. You can now format your own string, using 'place holders' for download information. Valid place holders are:
{name} - File name
{size} - Size of file being downloaded
{down} - Download transfer rate
{up} - Upload transfer rate
{downloaded} - Total amount downloaded
{uploaded} - Total amount uploaded
{ratio} - Share ratio (uploaded/downloaded)
The drop-down in options window contain a couple of samples. - Added the ability to show different information in progressbar depending on status of download (ongoing or completed), eg. showing download speed and file size while file is being downloaded and then switch to showing upload speed and share ratio when download is completed.
- Full title of download is shown as tool-tip when mouse hovers over title.
- Status window now includes the (BUBBA) firmware version.
- I've tried to make CSS rules more resistant to differences in FF skin (see note below).
- Fixed namespace pollution.
- Fixed other minor bugs
Some private trackers only allow a subset of torrent client and sometimes FTD isn't one of them. The intermediate mode will not help in this case.
The ratio will be incorrect if FileTransferDaemon is restarted (the upload information is session based and will start from 0 again when restarted).
That's about it. You will find the file at: http://thevoid.webhop.info/bubba/firefox/.
Don't hesitate to mail me if you're having any problems with BubbaMon. Enjoy!