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Search found 2 matches

by MrOpa
23 Mar 2016, 12:12
Forum: Development
Topic: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3
Replies: 98
Views: 1210640

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Hmm looking closer at this it is pretty obvious I don't know for sure what happened to the /home yet. My main problem seems to be that I can't mount it again (as you mentioned that has to be done afterwards).

Ah okey now I get it. I'll write things down here if it is not apparent for everyone (it ...
by MrOpa
22 Mar 2016, 16:38
Forum: Development
Topic: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3
Replies: 98
Views: 1210640

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Ok so being encouraged by the success people had here and had use the standard B3 USB rescue stick on numerous occasions before I thought I would give this a go since squeezy support was dropped on Feb 29th. Everything seems to be fine when installing but then the issues start..

1) I have the same ...