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by odoepner
11 Apr 2019, 20:33
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B2: Debian removed jessie powerpc repos - what now?
Replies: 1
Views: 11242

B2: Debian removed jessie powerpc repos - what now?

I have a bubba2 with a working debian jessie.

But now I cannot apt install any packages anymore since Debian dropped jessie powerpc from and official debian mirrors.

Is there anywhere an apt source of the last state of jessie powerpc, frozen in time, so to speak?

I learned ...
by odoepner
12 Feb 2014, 05:34
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: The newest bubba kernel for B2?
Replies: 2
Views: 6652

Re: The newest bubba kernel for B2?

Hi Pal,

Could you describe the steps you had to take to upgrade your bubba/2 to Wheezy?
I would like to do the same.

by odoepner
12 Feb 2014, 05:30
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 10
Views: 36799

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

One correction to a previous post of mine: I am not running Debian wheezy on my bubba/2. I must have been still so euphoric about having upgraded to squeeze a while ago that I got the Debian release version names mixed up for a moment.

However, I would love to upgrade to wheezy. I will send a ...
by odoepner
29 Jan 2014, 15:24
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 10
Views: 36799

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Hm, strange. I could swear I saw a bunch of the repos listed as "private" last time I checked.
Maybe I was confused.

Anyhow, that's great then!

Could you also speak to my question about working with the Debian project to find maintainers for these packages?

by odoepner
28 Jan 2014, 18:33
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 10
Views: 36799

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Thanks for the github link, Johannes.

Good to know the code bases are already on a good structured repo service like github.

But many of these repositories are private.

I am mainly wondering whether you have an "exit strategy" for when you will no longer support the bubba packages and patches ...
by odoepner
18 Dec 2013, 08:37
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 10
Views: 36799

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.


Given Excito's recent focus shift away from Bubba and given that security issues like the one addressed in this thread can /will come up again, wouldn't it be the right thing to release _all_ of Excito's deb packages as Open Source and give the Bubba / Debian community a chance to gradually ...
by odoepner
18 Dec 2013, 08:36
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6
Replies: 114
Views: 362874

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6

My post above by user Binkem was originally not posted to this thread, but to the one about the release (security upgrade).

I will post it again in the right place.