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by ingo2
26 Sep 2014, 12:10
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 27
Views: 89367

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Gordon wrote: IMO you should create a new meta package that holds dependencies to all these critical packages you do not want to loose. Only then will it be safe to purge the Bubba packages.
Many thanks Gordon for that information - I didn't know,
by ingo2
26 Sep 2014, 10:37
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 27
Views: 89367

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Do you mean by following the wiki instructions to install kirkwood?

No, I had the idea to start with the Bubba-image, then purge all Excito specific packages and upgrade to Debian-Wheezy. That should not cause any significant problems. I did the same on my QNAP TS-109 with Orion Soc: started ...
by ingo2
25 Sep 2014, 14:58
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 27
Views: 89367

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Me came another idea to abbreviate the waiting for a Wheezy upgrade from official side:

Currently Excito is offering its B3 without HD at an attractive price (72€).
If those newly sold boxes came with the patched/upgraded uBoot loader, it will be quite easy for any user with some Linux skill to ...
by ingo2
28 Jul 2014, 05:02
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: uboot update needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 165915

Re: uboot update needed.

misty soul wrote:I just tried to install the stock kernel 3.15-trunk-kirkwood from Debian experimental distribution.
It failed.
Is it probably worth to try kernel 3.2.57-3+deb7u2~bpo60+1 from Squeeze backports? It should be fully compatible with existing installation like libc6, ...
by ingo2
22 Jul 2014, 03:29
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: moving to wheezy
Replies: 12
Views: 23054

Re: uboot update needed.

Can't be bothered to check at this moment, but what's up with this comment?
But there is another issue: I have installed some Debian-packages on my B3 and those do not receive updates anymore because armel is EoL.

Sorry, my fault, wanted to say Squeeze-armel . Squeeze on i386 and amd64 got LTS ...
by ingo2
21 Jul 2014, 15:51
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: moving to wheezy
Replies: 12
Views: 23054

Re: uboot update needed.

I didn't start this discussion, I just made a positve comment on the uboot progress and said "THANKS" to MouettE for the good work and asked for later documentation.
by ingo2
21 Jul 2014, 13:34
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: moving to wheezy
Replies: 12
Views: 23054

Re: uboot update needed.

This discussion keeps on coming up every few months. We've all been told to keep up with updates or bad things happen.


you probably got me wrong. I did not mean the usual cases where the box is running behind a router with a NAT firewall (like here). I said "directly connected to the ...
by ingo2
21 Jul 2014, 06:18
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: moving to wheezy
Replies: 12
Views: 23054

Re: uboot update needed.

With the current "firmware" from Excito it is no longer safe to connect the box directly to the internet.
I wouldn't put it like that. In fact the last big security issue that hit linux platforms (ssl heart bleed) did touch Wheezy but not Squeeze.

Hi Gordon,
I do know that Squeze was not ...
by ingo2
20 Jul 2014, 10:36
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: moving to wheezy
Replies: 12
Views: 23054

Re: uboot update needed.

Thanks for your excellent work from me as well MouettE,

I am waiting for a safe upgrade to Wheezy as well. With the current "firmware" from Excito it is no longer safe to connect the box directly to the internet. Squeeze support for security updates on ARM platform is already EoL since a while ...
by ingo2
29 Jun 2014, 06:43
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Intel card N6205 with b3
Replies: 2
Views: 11801

Re: Intel card N6205 with b3

1. The module to load for 6205 Wifi-card is 'iwlwifi' (here the info from my Wheezy desktop):
$ lsmod | grep iwl
iwlwifi 166761 0
mac80211 192806 1 iwlwifi
cfg80211 137243 2 mac80211,iwlwifi

2. The necessary firmware file (kernel ≤ 3.2) is
version (iwlwifi-6000g2a-5.ucode)
It has ...
by ingo2
19 Jan 2014, 12:44
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 27
Views: 89367

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

Sorry, could not add this information to list all the files in the packages: ... -a-package
by ingo2
19 Jan 2014, 12:40
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version
Replies: 27
Views: 89367

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6.

johannes wrote:I guess it should be possible to automatically generate a list of files from that information, someone who knows?
All that information is logged in /var/log/apt/history.log* and term.log* in Debian.
by ingo2
17 Nov 2013, 14:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: I have been attacked and don't know why.
Replies: 209
Views: 2118815

Re: I have been attacked and don't know why.

Just my 2 cents:

B3 has currently PHP Version: 5.3.3-7+squeeze4ex1 which dates back to July 2011.
Debian-Squeeze since then received 13 security-updates/fixes and currently is version 5.3.3-7+squeeze17 (see here: ...
by ingo2
11 Oct 2013, 14:49
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6
Replies: 114
Views: 362902

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2&3 software version 2.6

Ubi wrote:I agree with this suggestion.
Same here!

Additional info:
just today Debian released security fixes for GnuPG, see here: for Wheezy and Squeeze. is there a chance to get those also into B3?
by ingo2
03 Sep 2013, 03:16
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Wheezy on B3
Replies: 6
Views: 13414

Re: Wheezy on B3

beaufils wrote:Did some of you tried to dist-upgrade to wheezy on a b3 ?
Please see in this thread: ... 233#p23233 where MouettE describes his findings.