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by andrewf
24 Apr 2007, 08:47
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Controlling the LED (without the bubba package)
Replies: 8
Views: 14768


That's brilliant, thanks. Just what I need. (And I might even get fancy one of these days and make it flash every time someone requests a page on my website :-)

by andrewf
23 Apr 2007, 17:08
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Controlling the LED (without the bubba package)
Replies: 8
Views: 14768

No, that's not it


But no.

/etc/init.d/led_* are all part of the 'bubba' package. So I don't have them any more!

Short answer to why I removed it is that I removed another package which it depends on ('samba' I think). Was just going through the process of removing all services which I’m not going to use. The ...
by andrewf
23 Apr 2007, 16:09
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Controlling the LED (without the bubba package)
Replies: 8
Views: 14768

Controlling the LED (without the bubba package)


I've uninstalled the 'bubba' package, and I'd _really_ like for the led to stop flashing… Is there a way to control the LED? Even if it means catting files to /proc, or something...

Failing that, any chance we could download the program which controls the LED?

Best regards,

–Andrew Forrest
by andrewf
04 Apr 2007, 03:59
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Locked down my Bubba good
Replies: 5
Views: 9503

Thanks for all that. I'm not quite up to opening the box and soldering things on to it.... but I may find a way somehow to replace the ssh-config file via PHP or Perl or something.

Also, it would be great if removing the bubba package didn't have this effect... Should I just watch the forums for ...
by andrewf
03 Apr 2007, 19:07
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Locked down my Bubba good
Replies: 5
Views: 9503

Locked down my Bubba good


I bought a Bubba to use as a web server. I did all the sensible things, changing all the passwords to secure ones. I also changed the /etc/apt/sources.list to Debian-only, added MySQL and php4-mysql and removed some services, specifically Samba and DAAP...

Anyhoo, my Bubba now doesn't complete ...