I have received my B3 but had to pay import duty of £50 - bit of a stinger.
Have installed it and it is now running email and file server/ house web-server. I wanted to make the old B2 my web development and squeezebox server ( I am currently using a raspberry pi).
I have put a 1TB seagate disk ...
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- 27 Apr 2016, 16:56
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
- Replies: 8
- Views: 22384
- 07 Apr 2016, 02:25
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
- Replies: 8
- Views: 22384
Re: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
I have at last retrieved my files - or at least most of them. There seems to be a disk failure around my email program directory - luckily I have rsync daily backups on the email data directory so okay and also daily backups on my documents; music and pictures. rsync is a life saver.
A lot of ...
A lot of ...
- 04 Apr 2016, 03:38
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
- Replies: 8
- Views: 22384
Re: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
Thanks very much for the info. I will try it out once I have managed to recover the files which is proving difficult. Waiting to see how photorec gets on.
The LVM partition has been found and patched as a lvm pv photorec recognises it as ext.... hope that is right.
The LVM partition has been found and patched as a lvm pv photorec recognises it as ext.... hope that is right.
- 03 Apr 2016, 14:52
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: My B2 Hard Disk has failed
- Replies: 8
- Views: 22384
My B2 Hard Disk has failed
my mainstay at home is the B2 ( used for many many years) which holds all the files, my home web-sites and most important a roundcube installation which holds all my history emails.
This morning the hard disk on the B2 failed. Not sure if the disk failure was from the disk or the B2. I have been ...
This morning the hard disk on the B2 failed. Not sure if the disk failure was from the disk or the B2. I have been ...
- 23 Nov 2013, 05:39
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: My Bubba - Your Bubba
- Replies: 11
- Views: 35640
Re: My Bubba - Your Bubba
Thanks I'll look into it.
- 23 Nov 2013, 03:13
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: My Bubba - Your Bubba
- Replies: 11
- Views: 35640
Re: My Bubba - Your Bubba
Could you let me know where you get the singapore php app from? I searched and seem to get primarily photos of Singapore

- 23 Nov 2013, 03:01
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: Simple Backup using rsync
- Replies: 0
- Views: 16585
Simple Backup using rsync
I have been for a while using SyncToy a windows utility for incrementally backing up across the network from Bubba 2 to a disk on the windows machine. This is understandably slow and requires my presence. However it does mean I can store a backup off site.
I have the requirement for an automatic ...
I have the requirement for an automatic ...
- 02 Jun 2013, 12:29
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: My Squeezebox Setup
- Replies: 2
- Views: 16198
Re: My Squeezebox Setup
The PI (model b) is completely built.A case ( transparent is best so you can see the LEDs) are many and it easy to press the board in and put the lid on. You also buy a memory card and a power supply ( this must be good quality). You load an operating system using an image which you 'image' on the ...
- 08 Feb 2013, 04:07
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: B2upgrade
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9747
Re: B2upgrade
Well I have managed an upgrade. To get the usb stick to start I needed to remove the network and then reconnect.
Now to re-build the apps starting with roundcube and the x-client.
Now to re-build the apps starting with roundcube and the x-client.
- 22 Jan 2013, 06:36
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: B2upgrade
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9747
Re: B2upgrade
Is there any way I can upgrade the Squeezebox server without upgrading B2? I have a few applications loaded/ built like Roundcube, personal photo album etc not in the /home directory so would need to move all of these. As the box is going well at the moment perhaps an upgrade to squeezebox server is ...
- 20 Jan 2013, 15:29
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: B2upgrade
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9747
Re: B2upgrade
Thanks for the note. I had hoped this was not the case. I guess I will need to look at the impact on my mail client etc to see if it is worth it.
- 20 Jan 2013, 13:12
- Forum: B2 & B3 Support
- Topic: B2upgrade
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9747
My B2is currently on 2.0.5. This is somewhat behind the current release. I wanted to upgrade to the latest. However the update page in admin says I am up to date. Can anyone let me know what to do to upgrade to latest.
I actually want the latest release of LMS.
Andy B
I actually want the latest release of LMS.
Andy B
- 01 Jan 2013, 07:32
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: My Squeezebox Setup
- Replies: 2
- Views: 16198
My Squeezebox Setup
I thought you might be interested in how I am using my Bubba 2 for a sound system. I have been using it as a general NAS, also a mail server with roundcube and various home grown web based systems such as a Christmas postage list ( fairly topical at the moment), personal picture gallery as the ones ...
- 14 Jul 2011, 15:25
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: accessing and working with the Bubba
- Replies: 14
- Views: 40206
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
I'll give it a try. 

- 10 Jul 2011, 04:48
- Forum: My Bubba
- Topic: accessing and working with the Bubba
- Replies: 14
- Views: 40206
Re: accessing and working with the Bubba
I have been a UNIX kernal programmer (telephone api) in the days before X was normal ( so I am really old) so using xterm and all the ksh/csh/bash, grep ,sed, find,top etal commands including vi is second nature.
However we do not live in that world any longer and I believe a more graphical ...
However we do not live in that world any longer and I believe a more graphical ...