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by hvb81479
11 Nov 2012, 15:07
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Mini-DLNA: Amarok, Banshee other players don't see service
Replies: 0
Views: 9614

Mini-DLNA: Amarok, Banshee other players don't see service

After upgrading B2 to the new B3-world, Amarok and the other players don't see the music-shares anymore (used to work with old version). Apparently this has to do with some information these players don't send to forked-daap. This bug is reported here: ...
by hvb81479
20 Oct 2012, 08:45
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Replies: 25
Views: 85666

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1

Thanks to nobody for the help.

Finally I decided to follow the approach of cwhomme, as this was also in line with the general instructions provided by excito.
Upgrading went smooth, and the syncing of the disks apparently, too. When I came back after some hours all files were there.
Keep in mind ...
by hvb81479
15 Oct 2012, 05:05
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Replies: 25
Views: 85666

Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1

Hi Johannes,

I am looking forward to my updated B2. But before I lay my hands on it I want to be very sure about what I am doing. Could you please confirm the proceedings that I found right of doing after reading your posting, the wiki article and what cwhommes wrote in this thread.

Scenario: B2 ...
by hvb81479
06 Jan 2011, 07:37
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: How to strem to XBOX360?
Replies: 14
Views: 39522

Re: How to strem to XBOX360?

Thanks for helping out. Xbox "sees" B2 now.

Problem solved!

by hvb81479
06 Jan 2011, 06:00
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: How to strem to XBOX360?
Replies: 14
Views: 39522

Re: How to strem to XBOX360?

Hi everybody,

any news on how to stream my B2-music (other media) to the xbox 360 ?

Here are some messages that come up on the xbox-network screens:
On the xbox side the machine tells me that it only connects to a "Windows Media Center- PC".
Finally it provides me with a setup key that I am ...
by hvb81479
24 Jul 2010, 09:41
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: DNS-server on BUBBA 2
Replies: 4
Views: 7734

Re: DNS-server on BUBBA 2

I found the DNS-switch in the LAN-config area. But where do I put in the name resolution data, e.g. Hostname "Desktop" resolves into host-IP-address ""?

As by flicking the DNS-server switch, no table opens up to make the entries, I am expecting to edit some reverse DNS ...
by hvb81479
17 Jul 2010, 17:23
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: DNS-server on BUBBA 2
Replies: 4
Views: 7734

DNS-server on BUBBA 2

Is there somebody knowledgeable out there, providing a howto about how to set up a DNS-server on BUBBA 2?

Would be very much appreciated, as I could take out one of my PCs, bringing us closer to the Kyoto-target ;)
