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Search found 9 matches

by skulkrik
28 Dec 2014, 15:14
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Excito B3 brand and remaining B3 stock purchased !
Replies: 32
Views: 170329

Re: Excito B3 brand and remaining B3 stock purchased !

Any information about how and when the B3's will be available for sale again?
by skulkrik
01 Jan 2012, 16:51
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and truecrypt
Replies: 9
Views: 13521

Re: B3 and truecrypt

niclasb, thank you very much for your help!

The numbers, unfortunately, have not improved that much compared to my results on the B2 :(
by skulkrik
29 Dec 2011, 18:01
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and truecrypt
Replies: 9
Views: 13521

Re: B3 and truecrypt

I have to put my faith on Asad or on someone else having too much spare time between Christmas and New Years Eve then :)
by skulkrik
27 Dec 2011, 15:04
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and truecrypt
Replies: 9
Views: 13521

B3 and truecrypt


Have anyone tried to use Truecrypt on B3? What kind of access speeds did you get? I'm considering to upgrade my B2 but I have not yet decided if I should get a B3 or not.

When you run e.g. dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=100K count=1K on the Truecrypt volume what kind of results do you get ...
by skulkrik
06 Jun 2010, 16:06
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2
Replies: 6
Views: 12208

Re: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2

A very quick and dirty test of my smb share from a windows xp machine on the local network gave me the following read values when I tried to copy very large files a couple of times.
- Reading from a Truecrypt volume ~3600 kbytes/s
- Reading from an ordinary volume ~9800 kbytes/s
by skulkrik
03 Jun 2010, 18:23
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2
Replies: 6
Views: 12208

Re: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2

Hello again

After a lot of real life problems have been solved I finally had time to sit down and update my Bubba2 tonight :)

And the latest testing with Bubba2 2.0 shows that you do not need to use the -m=nokernelcrypto any longer and the throughput has improved quite a lot! Look at the following ...
by skulkrik
22 Oct 2009, 17:11
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2
Replies: 6
Views: 12208

Re: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2

I have now tested the performance and the stats I got was

My mounted truecrypt volume - mounted with -m=nokernelcrypto

server:/home/storage/test_mnt# dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=100K count=1K
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 53.6818 seconds, 2.0 MB/s

The ...
by skulkrik
14 Oct 2009, 14:48
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2
Replies: 6
Views: 12208

Re: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2

There are still one major problem. Truecrypt 6.2a use the XTS and LRW support in the kernel. Both of these modules are experimental and they are not included in the kernel used by Bubba2 v1.2.2.

You can either compile them and load the modules into your kernel or do the mounting like this truecrypt ...
by skulkrik
14 Oct 2009, 14:43
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2
Replies: 6
Views: 12208

Compile and install Truecrypt 6.2a on Bubba2 v1.2.2

This is a quick overview of how I compiled and installed truecrypt on my Bubba2. The Bubba2 has been updated to v1.2.2

## First steps
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
- Get TrueCrypt 6.2a Source.tar.gz from and put it in tmp folder
- Get wxWidgets-2.8.10.tar.gz from ...