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Search found 26 matches

by ctoo
12 Oct 2010, 15:58
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Lenny image and how to proceed
Replies: 27
Views: 69344

Re: Lenny image and how to proceed

Hi tor,

Concerning the AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL setting in /etc/default/avahi-daemon, see the following post:

So, yes, setting AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL to 0 will probably fix it in most case (note the warning related to this written ...
by ctoo
22 Sep 2010, 05:22
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Lenny image and how to proceed
Replies: 27
Views: 69344

Re: Lenny image and how to proceed

Hi Tor,

Here's the list of issues that I've reported earlier:
1) not up-to-date with the rest of the webadmin code (see )
2) B1 announces itself as B2 (see )
3) Yellow LED doesn ...
by ctoo
21 Sep 2010, 17:31
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Announcing B3
Replies: 38
Views: 138329

Re: Announcing B3


Good to know. I'm a B1 user (lenny image) and what I found when I checked the B1 Lenny image was that most of the configuration changes had been done by means of repackaging/custom packages. This brought the B1 Lenny image out-of-synch with the Debian Lenny updates. And as far as I remember (it ...
by ctoo
21 Sep 2010, 16:35
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Announcing B3
Replies: 38
Views: 138329

Re: Announcing B3

Ok, thanks. I see.

But am I mistaken in thinking that there are alternatives to the two options (divert and custom packages) that will allow you to stay more closely aligned with Debian and hence benefit from an easier access to updates from Debian? For example:

1) debconf may in some cases allow ...
by ctoo
21 Sep 2010, 15:46
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Announcing B3
Replies: 38
Views: 138329

Re: Announcing B3

On B3, what approach to the inclusion of excito-specific changes on top of the Debian Squeeze packages did you take? The same approach as in B1 (where you replaced several Debian packages with your own versions), or by means of dpkg-divert as referenced elsewhere in the forum, or something else ...
by ctoo
14 Sep 2010, 15:46
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Lenny image and how to proceed
Replies: 27
Views: 69344

Re: Lenny image and how to proceed

Hi Tor,

Some time ago, I made a post concerning problems related to multicast (see lenny: multicast not working? ).

Could I ask you to check this post and see if you somehow can include the suggested fix?

I've also left some comments in the thread " lenny status " concerning issues that I had to ...
by ctoo
14 Sep 2010, 15:41
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Lenny image and how to proceed
Replies: 27
Views: 69344

Re: Lenny image and how to proceed

Hi Tor,

Some time ago, I made a post concerning problems related to multicast (see lenny: multicast not working? ).

Could I ask you to check this post and see if you somehow can include the suggested fix?

I've also left some comments in the thread " lenny status " concerning issues that I had to ...
by ctoo
28 Nov 2009, 19:37
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny status
Replies: 31
Views: 54938

Re: lenny status

Thanks for the pointers. We agree that this situation isn't good, and for BubbaTwo we have begun process of moving config-file only changes into bubba-backend package using dpkg-divert instead (cups and samba have been updates as of yet in claire). If this goes well, we might do the same for ...
by ctoo
26 Nov 2009, 17:34
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny status
Replies: 31
Views: 54938

Re: lenny status

Regarding mediatomb it's really a mess (their versoning stuck a long time, so svn revisions was pointed); and there are local modifications made (mostly for configure file).


Ok, but mediatomb is not the only package that deviated from the official Debian lenny. What made you decide that ...
by ctoo
17 Nov 2009, 09:03
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny status
Replies: 31
Views: 54938

Re: lenny status

I've now added
deb lenny main
to my /etc/apt/sources.list and it appears that there is a small set of updates available.

Is it safe to run aptitude update and aptitude safe-upgrade with this?

As far as I can tell, the lenny image you have provide use a somewhat ...
by ctoo
13 Nov 2009, 17:51
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny: multicast not working?
Replies: 2
Views: 7695

Re: lenny: multicast not working?

For those interested: A good place to ensure that ALLMULTI is set on eth0 could be /etc/network/interfaces. Here's mine:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
pre-up ifconfig eth0 allmulti

NOTE: I haven ...
by ctoo
13 Nov 2009, 17:41
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny status
Replies: 31
Views: 54938

Re: lenny status

Another issue:

The Lenny image for Bubba server is using the "host" package. Unfortunately, the output of this utility seems to be incompatible with /usr/lib/avahi/ which is called by /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-daemon. The consequence is that a file /var/run/avahi-daemon ...
by ctoo
12 Nov 2009, 17:42
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny: multicast not working?
Replies: 2
Views: 7695

Re: lenny: multicast not working?

Update on this. I saw that, in some cases, multicast packets did go through my router, so I didn't expect it to be the problem.

Now, just to be sure, I've tried two different settings for the routers handling of multicast (it's a Linksys WRT610N). There is actually a surprising effect (relative to ...
by ctoo
10 Nov 2009, 15:43
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny: multicast not working?
Replies: 2
Views: 7695

lenny: multicast not working?

An observation on Bubba Server with the lenny image:

If I do the following on my laptop after some idle time:

getent hosts bubba.local
I'm unable to resolve the IP address of my Bubba server.

Now, if I then jump to a remote shell on Bubba Server with the lenny image and do the following:
avahi ...
by ctoo
10 Nov 2009, 15:02
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: lenny status
Replies: 31
Views: 54938

Re: lenny status

I've now added
deb lenny main
to my /etc/apt/sources.list and it appears that there is a small set of updates available.

Is it safe to run aptitude update and aptitude safe-upgrade with this?

As far as I can tell, the lenny image you have provide use a somewhat ...