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Search found 72 matches

by jonte
29 Nov 2013, 14:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: I have been attacked and don't know why.
Replies: 209
Views: 2119187

Re: I have been attacked and don't know why.

But I also searched for files owned by www-data to see if there was anything else besides the files in /tmp, and the only suspicious thing I can find is /var/lock/ttoy, a directory with a hidden subdir called ".m" and another subdir called "c". No files though, but maybe that's because whatever ...
by jonte
30 Jan 2012, 06:49
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon
Replies: 33
Views: 112014

Re: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon

johannes wrote:Ok, I'm convinced. It's on the list.
Great monday news! ;)

But on a serious note, it would be great with official support!
by jonte
14 Dec 2011, 07:22
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon
Replies: 33
Views: 112014

Re: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon

The only reason for not going all in on transmission is BubbaMon, my firefox add-on. There are probably similar add-ons for transmission, I just haven't bothered looking since ftd usually works well enough for me.

Haven't looked into Firefox addons, but the Transmission Chrome Extension is great ...
by jonte
13 Dec 2011, 08:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon
Replies: 33
Views: 112014

Re: Drop ftd as BT client in favor of Transmission-daemon

+1 here aswell.

I use Transmission with RPC, Chrome extensions and so on on my B3. Works great.
by jonte
28 Sep 2011, 16:26
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: MyTV for Transmission
Replies: 7
Views: 20215

Re: MyTV for Transmission

Haha, lovin it, not drunk texting, but drunk package installing instead ;)

But I would guess that you encountered the same problem I did If you look in build.log I would guess you'll find that some dependency modules that need compiling didn't get compiled.

Warning: ExtUtils::CBuilder not ...
by jonte
25 Sep 2011, 16:09
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: MyTV for Transmission
Replies: 7
Views: 20215

Re: MyTV for Transmission

Yeah, a nice feature indeed.
lots of dependencies though.

Took me awhile just to install cpanminus ;)

It will be interesting to hear how it goes!

Another (more simple solution), but potentially more insecure which I'm researching now is setting up a ShowRSS account. It allows for one to enter ...
by jonte
22 Sep 2011, 03:50
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: MyTV for Transmission
Replies: 7
Views: 20215

Re: MyTV for Transmission

I scoured through the build.log in search of clues. From what I can tell there are some prerequisites installing with the module Net::Twitter (used in MyTV for sending a tweet as a notification). Nothing odd there I guess. They all seem to be found and added.
But several times during the ...
by jonte
21 Sep 2011, 14:45
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: MyTV for Transmission
Replies: 7
Views: 20215

MyTV for Transmission

Has anybody tried using MyTV for Transmission?

Having trouble getting PERL Modules XML::RSSLite and Net::Twitter to install properly for some reason. Any ideas/solutions are welcome

by jonte
21 Sep 2011, 11:57
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Sources.list contents
Replies: 0
Views: 11578

Sources.list contents

change_distribution elvin -u made my Soruces.list look like this.

# Bubba apt sources.list
# Generated by change_distribution elvin -u
# vim: ft=debsources
deb squeeze main
deb elvin main
deb upstream ...
by jonte
09 Jul 2011, 06:51
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: How to install MiniDLNA on Bubba 2 with a mac
Replies: 9
Views: 15800

Re: How to install MiniDLNA on Bubba 2 with a mac

Oh thank you for all your advice - I was not aware of all the postings - therefore I have not being responding - but I will try to go on with your suggestions... :D

I believe it is in Excitos repositories these days (For B3 anyways, but probably for Bubba2 aswell: apt-get install minidlna should ...
by jonte
07 Jul 2011, 11:16
Forum: Howtos
Topic: How to use a DVB-T TV capture device with Bubba Two
Replies: 6
Views: 34124

Re: How to use a DVB-T TV capture device with Bubba Two

Plug the USB stick and install tvheadend

tar xzvf hts-tvheadend_2.12.tar.gz
apt-get install libavahi-client-dev
make install
adduser hts
addgroup hts video

Start ...
by jonte
06 Feb 2011, 07:59
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Using Sony Bravia televisions with Bubba|Two software ver. 2
Replies: 7
Views: 24487

Re: Using Sony Bravia televisions with Bubba|Two software ve

Any ideas? Still can't seem to get minidlna to work, networked devices are unable to find the B3 as a DLNA-server.
by jonte
21 Jan 2011, 15:16
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 powerful enough for transcoding video in real time?
Replies: 4
Views: 11235

Re: B3 powerful enough for transcoding video in real time?

Cheeseboy wrote:ryz is right,

I don't even know why I answered to this (as I haven't tried it myself), I guess it was the old fanboyishness expressing itself.

You will have to try it and find out.
Or hope for someone else already tried it.

No worries! Thanks ryz and Cheeseboy for input
by jonte
20 Jan 2011, 09:44
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 powerful enough for transcoding video in real time?
Replies: 4
Views: 11235

B3 powerful enough for transcoding video in real time?

Hi, just curious to hear reactions from the community to this topic.

I can imagine several ways in which this would be useful. Two areas of interest to me would/could be:
* Transcoding (container-switching) MKV to VOB in realtime for playback on a PS3
* Transcoding a SDTV MPEG2 to 3g-friendly ...
by jonte
12 Jan 2011, 08:32
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Using Sony Bravia televisions with Bubba|Two software ver. 2
Replies: 7
Views: 24487

Re: Using Sony Bravia televisions with Bubba|Two software ve

I installed the Minidlna package, but since I changed name in the conf file I can't find the server anymore. Does this make sense at all? Anyway, I was wondering where I can get ahold of the original conf file that installed with the package on the B3, and try again.
