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Search found 12 matches

by essence
24 Jul 2012, 18:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2
Replies: 5
Views: 15069

Re: Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2

Further one complimentary question; Where do I find the image for the USB memory to run fresh
install from?

(I noticed that the installer for 2.4-RC1 does not detect 2TB disks so I suppose there should be an alternative? 2.5?)

by essence
24 Jul 2012, 17:58
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2
Replies: 5
Views: 15069

Re: Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2

Thanks RandomUsername!

Before I proceed with a fresh install according to your proposal I have one related question:

In the previously mentioned process to renew my very old B2 I cloned the 1TB drive to a fresh 2TB (with Clonezilla).
This was successful except for one point, the B2 is only ...
by essence
30 Jun 2012, 11:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2
Replies: 5
Views: 15069

Unable to upgrade B2 from 2.0.2

While software upgrades on my B3 always have been smooth my B2 is stuck on version 2.0.2.
I have tried to upgrade using web-if from time to time since 2.4.x was available but the upgrade
gets stuck on 40%. No system modifications done (except maybe installing HDD TEMP some years ago - my memory is ...
by essence
21 Oct 2010, 14:16
Forum: Announcements
Topic: B1/2 -> B3 upgrade discount
Replies: 19
Views: 70924

Re: B1/2 -> B3 upgrade discount


Appriciate the upgrade discount offer!
Is it possible to fit one of the new WD Green 3TB disks into B3?
If yes, what is the price tag for a B3 with a 3TB option?


by essence
21 Feb 2010, 08:27
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Changing disk in bubba 2
Replies: 1
Views: 6739

Changing disk in bubba 2


I plan to change my Bubba Two internal 1Tb disk to a 2 Tb disk.
What is the best way to accomplish this?

I have access to two USB bays and CloneZilla so my current plan is to
- 1) dismount the 1TB disk from Bubba Two,
- 2) attach both the 1TB disk and the 2TB disk to USB bays attached to a ...
by essence
21 Feb 2010, 08:10
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for BUBBA|2 1.3.0
Replies: 86
Views: 2003585

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 1.3.0

Like urbaxe, the reinstall of horde worked fine for me. Everything seams to be back to normal, now with 1.3.0, and there is no need to restart samba after reboot anymore.
Thanks for the email support PA and keep up the good work.
by essence
14 Feb 2010, 11:25
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for BUBBA|2 1.3.0
Replies: 86
Views: 2003585

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 1.3.0

My update from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 is uncompleted with problems.
After update clients can not access via Samba (tríed 1 Win XP, one popcorn hour). :cry:

Please advise how to get server up and running and how to complete update.
(I am sending debug.log, kern.log and syslog to excito via email)

Some ...
by essence
14 Sep 2009, 15:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: What will WLAN add-on look like?
Replies: 59
Views: 129346

Re: What will WLAN add-on look like?

One question related to possible data-security-by-obscurity in case of burglars:

Will it be possible to set-up WLAN in client mode?

:idea: ... so it will be possible to hide the Bubba well-away from all the other networking devices ...


by essence
29 Mar 2009, 08:26
Forum: Software releases
Topic: New release for Bubba|TWO: 1.1.4
Replies: 47
Views: 148331

I have encountered the following reliability/stability issues after updating:
- samba server: Unable to connect to "/storage" with popcorn media player and Win XP clients. After shutting down AFP and other (for me) non-essential services samba is up again but with unstable operation , i e ...
by essence
03 Feb 2009, 16:38
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: strange state with slow response and bad transfer rates
Replies: 1
Views: 7280

strange state with slow response and bad transfer rates

I sometimes notice that samba file transfers are incredibly slow. The response times is also a concern both and via ping then the following strange pattern can be seen:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes ...
by essence
11 Oct 2008, 15:09
Forum: My Bubba
Topic: Curious about write/read speeds
Replies: 12
Views: 25223

I get roughly 5% throughput either way between XP PC to Bubba|Two over a gigabit ethernet with a Netgear GS608 switch in the middle.
(roughly = measured via Windows Task Manager)
by essence
10 Oct 2008, 16:55
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Possible power saving mode or configurations?
Replies: 0
Views: 6506

Possible power saving mode or configurations?

My Bubba | Two is up since a few days and works nicely!

The usage at our' is mainly limited to 20:00-23:00 hours so my basic questions are to limit the Bubba activity accordingly:

Is there any simple way to automatically conserve power after a period of inactivity?
(My association is the HDD ...