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by Jockewhbg
21 Mar 2022, 09:38
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 2nd hand value
Replies: 5
Views: 13426

Re: B3 2nd hand value

Thanks, maybe there is a small market. It would be nice to see that it´s getting used again. It served me well.

by Jockewhbg
21 Mar 2022, 07:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 2nd hand value
Replies: 5
Views: 13426

B3 2nd hand value


Are there any value in the B3 today? I have one laying around but not sure what to do with it. I guess the demand is quite low.


by Jockewhbg
15 Jan 2012, 12:12
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: No access to new Excito B3
Replies: 42
Views: 56973

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Ask them through the support e-mail. I'm sure they will help you in any way they can. I used an USB-stick which they sent to me when I had a B2.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
by Jockewhbg
15 Jan 2012, 09:47
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: No access to new Excito B3
Replies: 42
Views: 56973

Re: No access to new Excito B3

I think that there is a manual on how to make a partition table on your USB stick. Otherwise you can always ask Excito for an USB-stick with correct software on it. That should work. Or send the whole bubba to them.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
by Jockewhbg
14 Jan 2012, 12:15
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: No access to new Excito B3
Replies: 42
Views: 56973

Re: No access to new Excito B3

I might add that I had the same problem. I noticed that the time it took to boot the B3 was quite short. I also reinstalled the firmware and then it worked. It seems as if some of the B3s are delivered with a faulty software. After the reinstall the boottime increased and it worked as it should. No ...
by Jockewhbg
22 Dec 2011, 16:48
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 as a Server for Sonos -> Problems for free
Replies: 8
Views: 12020

Re: B3 as a Server for Sonos -> Problems for free

Sorry, I don't see it that way.
A lot of Devices just can accesss a Share and not directliy a subfolder within it.
Also creating a share is no big deal and is just a normal config option, nothing extreamely special.
Even an old Linksys NSLU can do this........

Well, I see your point more clearly ...
by Jockewhbg
22 Dec 2011, 03:21
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 as a Server for Sonos -> Problems for free
Replies: 8
Views: 12020

Re: B3 as a Server for Sonos -> Problems for free

I just threw out my Squeezebox and installed a Sonos system instead. What a difference. It works really good. No delays, No problems, Fast music indexing.

I understand the problem above but I would adress it more as a Sonos-problem. Why can´t they let you choose subfolders in your network share?
I ...
by Jockewhbg
14 Dec 2011, 13:50
Forum: HomeAutomation
Topic: HA 2.0.2 small problems
Replies: 2
Views: 16576

Re: HA 2.0.2 small problems

Ok, thanks, I tried. Not as I expected. It tries both but only the first works. Must have something to do with the lack of confirmation from the stick.

~$ tdtool --on 6 --on 2
Turning on device 6, - An error occurred while communicating with TellStick
Turning on device 2, - An error occurred while ...
by Jockewhbg
13 Dec 2011, 15:23
Forum: HomeAutomation
Topic: HA 2.0.2 small problems
Replies: 2
Views: 16576

HA 2.0.2 small problems


I did the Telldus-core installation via repository on my B3, no problems. Got the new v2.1.0. Had some minor problems with comm-error and tellstick not found but that were solved. When everything was working fine with tdtool, I installed HA 2.0.2 which was no problem at all. Everything is ...
by Jockewhbg
26 Nov 2011, 12:28
Forum: HomeAutomation
Topic: Telldus-core now installable via repository
Replies: 7
Views: 26901

Re: Telldus-core now installable via repository

I´m aiming for the Tellstick Duo when it might be available again. It would be interesting to know how the receive part might be used in the B3. Can it be used to receive data from WeatherStations with weatherparse? I´m very curious.

I´m also wondering if anyone knows what protocol the Georg ...
by Jockewhbg
13 Jul 2011, 19:49
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Slow Squeezebox on B2
Replies: 2
Views: 5715

Re: Slow Squeezebox on B2

Thanks for the quick reply. I will try the update and I even consider buying a B3 instead. We´ll see.


by Jockewhbg
13 Jul 2011, 17:02
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Slow Squeezebox on B2
Replies: 2
Views: 5715

Slow Squeezebox on B2


I´ve had my B2 a couple of years now. Since the beginning the Squeezebox have been quite slow. No improvements from updates. Now I´m getting quite tired of this problem. It works just fine if I´m running the squeezebox server on a Windows PC. The B2 also works fine when I´m testing the other ...
by Jockewhbg
30 May 2010, 05:19
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Replies: 92
Views: 435743

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0

I´ve tried empty password but it failed anyway. I havn´t changed any database passwords at all. However, I tried to ignore the common-config and just choose "No" and then everything continued as normal. Now it have been fully upgraded to version 2.0.1, at least it seems so. When trying the sotfware ...
by Jockewhbg
30 May 2010, 04:33
Forum: Software releases
Topic: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Replies: 92
Views: 435743

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0

Tried to update and it seemed to go well but something probably went wrong. It seems to be stuck between versions. When trying to update again it fails, see log. Something wrong with Horde package. The webinterface is really slow and main page coming up is the old one. When selecting Administration ...
by Jockewhbg
30 Jun 2009, 03:32
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Horde Questions
Replies: 2
Views: 6284

Re: Horde Questions

When using //bubba/pim/index.php after logging in you will always come to the old version. There is some advantages in the old version which makes it a bit more valuable to me. I´ve seen more comments on this in the Horde forum so I believe this is not caused by the bubba.
