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by rewien
09 Nov 2009, 17:58
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Momento Imate digital photoframe upnp (Twonky) help
Replies: 0
Views: 4769

Momento Imate digital photoframe upnp (Twonky) help

Has any one installed Twonky on their bubbatwo?

I might be able to use twonky to stream photo's from my bubbatwo. (read the posts underneath)

Any help is welcome.

Re: I-Mate Momento Photoframe

Postby JeroenVanOmme » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:19 am
I read on another forum that the i-mate does ...
by rewien
20 Apr 2009, 12:28
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545


This is new to me, I have never heard such a sound. Hard to know what it is, but to be safe I'd exchange the disk as a warrnaty repair. You can do that either by WD, or directly by us. Contact us at for further instructions.

Best Regards,

Hello Johannes,

Have ...
by rewien
05 Apr 2009, 09:28
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Music folder syncronization with Ipod
Replies: 1
Views: 6005

Music folder syncronization with Ipod

it would be nice to be able to connect youre ipod to bubba two and let it syncronize with the music folder on bubbatwo
by rewien
26 Mar 2009, 19:43
Forum: Software releases
Topic: New release for Bubba|TWO: 1.1.4
Replies: 47
Views: 148434

Hello Tor,

Does this update fix the load cycle problem on bubba two also?

Gr Rewien
by rewien
15 Mar 2009, 11:47
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

joost wrote:I guess there's no news on the situation from WD/Excito themselves?

I dl torrents 24/7 just to try to stop this, but still the Load_Cycle_Count creeps up. :(
I'm wondering the samething, if Excito have found any solotion to this problem?
by rewien
05 Mar 2009, 16:40
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

Any progress made by Excito for solving this problem?, may be another disk that isn't affected by this problem?

I don't think we should wait on WD.

Greetz. Rewien
by rewien
22 Feb 2009, 10:28
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

Re: script doesnt stop loadcycle


I can confirm that the script does not stop the loadcycle.

Since yesterday evening about 2800 loadcycles more with script working.
(I checked the working in "top")

So I will now start to torrent

WD type and serial:
WD5000ABPS-01ZZB0 / WD-WCASU5232253
It is a RE2 so it should handle 600 ...
by rewien
16 Feb 2009, 12:00
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

I will replace my "problem" disk soon because it is already on 342000 load_cycles. But before I'll do that i want to make a copy/image of this "problem" disk.

So i'm looking for a tool that can create such a copy/image. does anyone know a simple/good tool to do this ?

Thanks in advance,
Martin ...
by rewien
15 Feb 2009, 16:34
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: web folder in bubba2 and specific access to a shared folder
Replies: 14
Views: 26148

To solve the problem, I changed a few files of the web interface on the system.

See my topic:

thank you peter,

I got it working!
there's one thing left to do.
Do you know the command how to put an user in 2 groups at the same time?

let's say ...
by rewien
14 Feb 2009, 11:00
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: autofs and USB
Replies: 2
Views: 7350

I'm interested in this as well, now i have to go to web gui to mount a usb stick, any one any idea how to auto mouth an usb stick?

by rewien
14 Feb 2009, 06:21
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: web folder in bubba2 and specific access to a shared folder
Replies: 14
Views: 26148

strange enough de user "extern1" can still browse through all the files and folders of the group users.

How can I fix this so extern1 with the group "extern_users" can only access folders, which is assign to "extern_users" ?

I also find out that when changing an user from the group "users" to the ...
by rewien
14 Feb 2009, 06:06
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

I wonder if excito have found any solution to this problem yet?

The script is just a temporary fix.
by rewien
12 Feb 2009, 13:29
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: wordpress install problem
Replies: 9
Views: 20005

any one any idea where Ican configurate this? so that i'm able to view the sub pages from the outside as wel.

at the moment wordpress is working as it schould be at: http://bubba/worpress , but from the outside: http://myip/wordpress only the main page opens, alle the subpages are going to : http ...
by rewien
11 Feb 2009, 11:46
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [SOLVED] [Old] WD Green Power drives may kill themselves !!
Replies: 159
Views: 387545

any progress made by the excito team for finding a solution for the increasing cycles?
by rewien
10 Feb 2009, 16:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: wordpress install problem
Replies: 9
Views: 20005

any one any idea where Ican configurate this? so that i'm able to view the sub pages from the outside as wel.

at the moment wordpress is working as it schould be at: http://bubba/worpress , but from the outside: http://myip/wordpress only the main page opens, alle the subpages are going to : http ...