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by DanielM
27 Mar 2017, 08:15
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion

Just for the record: The drive has been running 24/7 for five months now without any problem. Currently it's (according to hddtemp) 43°C.

by DanielM
25 Oct 2016, 12:50
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion

It is effectively a question of balance. Can you loose heat at the same rate (or higher) as you are generating it? If the answer is no, than heat will build up until eventually something goes bust.

Ah, of course. Makes sense. I've checked with hddtemp a few times today (while doing some file ...
by DanielM
25 Oct 2016, 04:17
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion

(since it looks like I'm still admin in this forum I took the liberty to split out this discussion to a thread of it's own so we won't hijack MouettE's thread)

Wouldn't the laws of physics say that the amount of energy in (electricity watts) would equal the amount of energy out (heat)?

by DanielM
25 Oct 2016, 02:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Thanks! I've got the WD5000AAKX, so it's speced at 5.6/6.0 watts. Which as you say doesn't feel like very much. Also the B3 doesn't feel hot (even now that I'm running first synchronization of some 100 GB of data).

by DanielM
24 Oct 2016, 12:52
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Well, now when the disk is bought, installed, partitioned and has a lot of files copied over to it, I won't change it. I guess it'll be a scientific experiment, seeing how long it'll live. Guess I'll schedule a weekly SMART scan. What are the best tool to monitor HD temperature?

by DanielM
24 Oct 2016, 03:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B3 and WD Blue heat discussion
Replies: 10
Views: 47706

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Might want to replace that disk once more. The WD Blue will run too hot and probably destroy itself within a month or so. Get a WD Green (don't forget to run the idle3 patch) or a WD Red instead.

Doh. I hope not. I thought since this is only secondary backup and will only be doing any actual job ...
by DanielM
23 Oct 2016, 03:42
Forum: Development
Topic: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3
Replies: 98
Views: 1209062

Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Hi all!
I haven't been around anything for the last few years. Happy to see this community is still living!

My old B3 has been acting off-site-backup, positioned in my parents home. Haven't touched it for years. Then last week I couldn't reach it anymore and it refused to boot when I tried. Without ...
by DanielM
06 Sep 2015, 07:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: su: pam_start: error 26
Replies: 7
Views: 21753

Re: su: pam_start: error 26

Gordon wrote:I don't really know what package /etc/pam.d/su belongs to in Debian
Should be the package "login" according to ... pam.d%2Fsu

by DanielM
17 Mar 2015, 10:34
Forum: HomeAutomation
Topic: Anyone with some Z-Wave hardware?
Replies: 2
Views: 31843

Re: Anyone with some Z-Wave hardware?

Sorry, have only got Nexa devices at home. But I really would like to hear about any progress that you’re making.

Well, not much actually. I have a system running some z-wave devices with Homeautomation here, but since I've found nobody else that seems to be interested I kinda lost the ...
by DanielM
23 Jan 2015, 15:13
Forum: HomeAutomation
Topic: Anyone with some Z-Wave hardware?
Replies: 2
Views: 31843

Anyone with some Z-Wave hardware?

I've spent some time lately building Z-Wave support for HomeAutomation (using openzwave). Works like a charm for me. Problem is I don't have all that many devices to test with and I've got no idea how it would work for someone else, so I'm really in need of a beta tester. Anyone here?

by DanielM
13 Jan 2015, 04:39
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Purple light...
Replies: 8
Views: 35055

Re: Purple light...

if apache asks about the cert at startup, it could be that you created a cert with a password. That doesnt work with apache.

I know that's the problem. It felt more secure to have it that way. And it works if the daemon is started interactively (ie from ssh) because then I can simply type in the ...
by DanielM
12 Jan 2015, 15:14
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Purple light...
Replies: 8
Views: 35055

Re: Purple light...

So now that you are more zen, it may be worth doing a bit of a postmortem so see what was the underlying cause. especially the Apache issue should be well documented in the http logfiles.

Unfortunately, even now I can't find anything really useful in the logs. However I'm quite sure that the ssl ...
by DanielM
12 Jan 2015, 07:36
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Purple light...
Replies: 8
Views: 35055

Re: Purple light...

I bet you didn't really bother to look at any of the log files during this process did you?

In fact I did, but I didn't really find anything that was helping me. At least no big red warnings.

I have to say though that when stuff like this happens I'm not really working rationally, rather in a ...
by DanielM
11 Jan 2015, 06:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Purple light...
Replies: 8
Views: 35055

Re: Purple light...

The install image is here:

But, don't forget to edit the config file accordingly, by default it formats your drive.

Thanks a lot! Followed the wiki instructions. First the led goes green and then it goes purple. I can see the B3 taking a dhcp lease so I know what IP ...
by DanielM
11 Jan 2015, 04:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Purple light...
Replies: 8
Views: 35055

Purple light...

Wondering if anyone has any ideas. I'm pulling my hair here. I had a power outage this morning. Thanks to ups I had the time to shut down my servers gracefully. However now that power is back they don't start. The B3 is stuck on purple light, I've been waiting for over an hour now. It doesn't ...