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by RealElwood
07 May 2014, 03:09
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Picture of circuit board for repair? Picture in thread
Replies: 1
Views: 14210

Picture of circuit board for repair? Picture in thread

I took the old bubba server out of the closet today to have it as a off site backup. I somehow managed to hit one of SM circuits and it fell off.

I need to find out where it belongs, i think I've found the spot but not 100% sure, i also need to find out in which direction it should be.

If anyone ...
by RealElwood
13 Mar 2009, 03:16
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Auto start & Mediatomb in PS3
Replies: 2
Views: 7063

I figured it out, what i did was the ln command, so if anyone else have the same problem just simply go to the root and type
ln -s /vas/samba/public/video Video

Then you go to the website of your MediaTomb and the link should be visible as a catalogue at the bottom, simpy add it and your good to ...
by RealElwood
12 Mar 2009, 02:47
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Auto start & Mediatomb in PS3
Replies: 2
Views: 7063

I thik it's time to refresh this one regarding subfolders when using MediaTomb on the PS3.

At the moment i look through my video collection with Through
PC Directory-->samba-->public-->video-->TV-->(name of series)

That works fine, but when i start adding seasons as another sub folder the PS3 ...
by RealElwood
27 Jan 2009, 13:43
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: NFS on Bubba
Replies: 15
Views: 32220

Is it normal to get this when restarting nfs-kernel-server:

bubba:~# /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd.
Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...done.
Not starting NFS kernel daemon: No exports.

Here's my exports

# /etc/exports: the access ...
by RealElwood
26 Jan 2009, 15:30
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: NFS on Bubba
Replies: 15
Views: 32220

Thanks ian, worked much better.

I followed the guide including the line ln -s /tvixhd1 /home/storage/video

What does this command mean?

I'm trying to mount the NFS share on my dreambox, which is a DVB-C cable box, running a linux os.

I can input IP of mount and local dir for the mount. ip is ...
by RealElwood
26 Jan 2009, 04:40
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: NFS on Bubba
Replies: 15
Views: 32220

apt-get install nfs-common will not work for me, has the name changed?

bubba:~# apt-get install nfs-common portmap nfs-kernel-server
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Package nfs-common is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the ...
by RealElwood
13 Jan 2009, 05:40
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?
Replies: 7
Views: 13103

Found the file but in another folder as mentioned. Did not delete it yet cause i couldn't make it to rename the file. Tried to figure out the rename function without success.

When i looked in the sqlite3.db file with VI i couldn't see anything, i was expecting a list of all the shared files. Can ...
by RealElwood
12 Jan 2009, 13:39
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?
Replies: 7
Views: 13103

Hmm, i don't have that directory, and i can't find the file with

Code: Select all

find -name sqlite.db
from root directory.

Could it be somewhere else?

Edit: oops my bad, found the file in /var/db/sqlite3.db
by RealElwood
12 Jan 2009, 04:15
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?
Replies: 7
Views: 13103

by RealElwood
05 Jan 2009, 13:30
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?
Replies: 7
Views: 13103

what is the database called, so i don't delete the wrong file...
by RealElwood
31 Dec 2008, 10:43
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Trying to use windows backup and bubba without succes?
Replies: 0
Views: 4530

Trying to use windows backup and bubba without succes?

I discovered that there's a backup function in Vista, seems pretty straight forward. But when i try to connect it to bubba it says the folder isn't accessable even though i prompt my login and passw.

Pretty much what i want to do is having the Vista PC backing up my new documents and new saved ...
by RealElwood
28 Dec 2008, 04:10
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?
Replies: 7
Views: 13103

Get Mediatomb to show å, ä and ö?

When i use my PS3 together with Bubba i can't se å, ä or ö. Is there any way to configure this? It seems to be a Mediatomb related issue cause when other media servers is used the PS3 display the letters.
by RealElwood
07 Dec 2008, 05:05
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Vista wont remember login for home folder!
Replies: 0
Views: 4417

Vista wont remember login for home folder!

Every time i start up my stationary machine and want to acces the home folder i have to input user and password, even if i mark the box "remember password".

Sometimes it wont let me in, says i don't have access to home folder, storage folder is accessible at all times. This is solved by de ...
by RealElwood
03 Oct 2008, 11:05
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: PS3 wont play Xvid from Bubba after fresh install!??!?
Replies: 1
Views: 5681

PS3 wont play Xvid from Bubba after fresh install!??!?

I always use the PS3 to playback xvid materials on bubba.

Bu since i reinstalled bubba PS3 wont play the xvid format from Bubba, it plays xvid material from my Media Player 11 server and from Nero MediaHome server.

From the bubba it only plays mpeg files. What's missing, isn't MediaTomb telling ...
by RealElwood
14 Sep 2008, 12:24
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: dyndns etc
Replies: 20
Views: 51653

That file was empty is it supposed to be that?
Yea, it is a place for local sysadmin to dump stuff to be booted at startup; the other alternative is to create an init script in /etc/init.d and create appropriate symlinks to /etc/rcX.d (often by using update-rc.d)

Eh, my bad, forgot that ...