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Search found 8 matches

by Kermit
26 Apr 2010, 12:26
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Fireplay https
Replies: 0
Views: 4303

Fireplay https

I have an issue with fireplay/bubba when using https.
I only have https open to my network/bubba as I don't want to open port 80.
When I connect to fireplay using https it still use http for browsing the files. I end up just seeing "connectin http://myip/... Could you configure this in some ...
by Kermit
21 Nov 2008, 05:00
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Java
Replies: 10
Views: 15594

I am very sad when I reallized that I can't run jalbum, that requires sun java on my new bubba :(
by Kermit
11 Sep 2008, 17:37
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Allow ftp to follow soft link
Replies: 0
Views: 4610

Allow ftp to follow soft link

As topic says is there a way to allow ftp user to follow a soft link. I don't manage to get this working.

by Kermit
19 Apr 2007, 12:53
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: How did you hear about Bubba?
Replies: 23
Views: 44661

I googled for a NAS solution because I was so pissed of on all available. The Ethernet disc that I have, works like a charm as a hovercraft if you put it with the fans down on a flat surface.

When I found this 4-5 months ago I decided directly to by one but it took until February this year before I ...
by Kermit
19 Apr 2007, 12:40
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: LCD screen, lcdProc
Replies: 12
Views: 23820

Hehe fun I have for a long time spending less time reading "elektronik i norden" due it was going more and more for a wannabe engineer magazine like Ny Teknik. You proved me wrong with your articles about the bubba :) which are really good and nice to read.

Sorry for being a bit of topic ....
by Kermit
18 Apr 2007, 09:34
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Ethernet cable freeze
Replies: 2
Views: 5955

Actually that was the first thing I did. I even unplugged the router end and inserted again.

by Kermit
17 Apr 2007, 11:08
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Ethernet cable freeze
Replies: 2
Views: 5955

Ethernet cable freeze

Hi, just for everyone’s knowledge
Last day I removed the Ethernet cable because I needed it to plug into my laptop while configuring my router. The wlan was not working at the moment. When I plugged back the Ethernet cable a red led was turned on inside the bubba. The front was still turned on as ...
by Kermit
10 Mar 2007, 06:21
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: Bubba on batteries :P
Replies: 14
Views: 41046

Use a DC-DC regulator with a 1A 12V fast fuse on the input.

I can't tell if the clasohlsson one is any good, but if you should do this then you probably already know how to solder on togheter your self. Using only a zener is ok if you know that the source is current limited but it's not the case ...